
  • 网络The good life;what is a good life
  1. 我确实有一个美好的人生

    William , l have a really good life . William

  2. 他们有很好的计划,希望过美好的人生。

    They have grand plans and like to live the good life .

  3. 不要后悔,不然你会错过美好的人生。

    Forget regret , or life is yours to miss .

  4. 美好的人生从这里扬帆起航!

    A wonderful life will be sailing from here .

  5. 拥有快乐,拥有美好的人生。

    Have fun , have a good life .

  6. 杰夫:那你错过了美好的人生经历。

    Jeff : You 're missing out one of life 's great experiences then .

  7. 我也希望所有的朋友们能拥有一个美好的人生。

    I also hope all my friends enjoy themselves and have a great life .

  8. 作出决定会区分出美好的人生和浮木般的人生。

    Making decisions can be the difference between a life well-lived and being driftwood on the river of life .

  9. 人们在这种仪式化的养育生活中,宣泄着美好的人生情感和无所不在的防范意识。

    Through this ritualized bearing life , people express emotion towards wonderful life , and the consciousness which exists everywhere .

  10. 他对他们说:你完全不会有问题,你会拥有美好的人生。

    And he tells them : You are going to be totally fine , you are going to have a great life .

  11. .就像我有必要知道你会活着,有一个美好的人生,你无愧的人生。

    Sara : Just like I need to know that you 'll go on and have a beautiful life , the one you deserve

  12. 我辞职是为了有更美好的人生,以及做一些有意义的事,譬如生孩子和治疗爱滋�

    I am quitting my job to make my life better ... and do something worthwhile like have a baby and cure AlDS .

  13. 对于一个真正追求真、善、美理想的人生的人来说,孤独使他更加深刻,是更加明智地体验美好的人生的最有效的途径。

    For a person who pursues ideal life of truth , kind and beauty , solitude makes him experience deeply and wisely the better life .

  14. “美好的人生由爱所呼唤,并由知识引导”,我被这罗素的所谓“中心思想”深深吸引住了。

    " Beautiful life starts with love and is instructed by knowledge . " This is Russel 's central idea , by which I was immediately attractived .

  15. 教育培训的主要任务&唤醒心中的巨人,释放内在的潜能,成就美好的人生。

    The main task of Education and training is to arouse the inner here , unleash the power within the power within and improve the life quality .

  16. 教给孩子金钱方面须承担的责任对他们的未来很重要。他们会珍视这种能力,获得美好的人生。

    Teaching your children about financial responsibility is a way to ensure their future . It 's one skill that they will treasure and give them a better life .

  17. 美好的人生态度,就像软木,它能帮你浮起;不良的人生态度,就像铅块,它会让你下沉。

    Nice attitudes towards life , like soft wood , can help you float on the water ; bad attitudes towards life , like lead , can make you down .

  18. 研究《东坡易传》的文学特色能够教会我们怎么更好地理解苏轼,怎样创作出更好的文学作品,甚至怎样拥有更加美好的人生。

    To study the literary feature can teach us how to understand Su Shi better , how to create literary works better , and how to live a better life .

  19. 医学所追求的是健康而美好的人生,医学所创造的是健康之美、生命之美、至善之美、仁爱之美。

    What medicine has being pursued is well-being for mankind . What it has been created are beauty of health and beauty of life and beauty of holiness and beauty of kindness .

  20. 中心在致力提高学生语言能力的基础上,更加注重学生综合品质的培养和提升,帮助学生实现美好的人生理想。

    Focusing on the improvement of students'language ability , the center attaches more importance on the cultivation and improvement of their overall quality , as to help them to realize their life goal .

  21. 老人、孩子、残疾人等形成的弱势群体数量大的惊人,他们强烈的渴望参与到社会生活中来,和健全人享有一样美好的人生。

    A large number of vulnerable groups , the old , the young and the disabled people , have strong desire to participate in our social life and enjoy the beauty of life as other perfect people .

  22. 他很伤感地说,太忙了,错过与妻子营造最美好的人生时光,想弥补却弥补不回来。

    After that , he often sighed miserably that due to his past busy life , he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his wife . But now , it is impossible to make up for it .

  23. 如果这个人在世时曾经做过很多的善事,死了后他的鬼魂便会被安排生在富贵的人家享受美好的人生。

    If a person has performed a great number of good deeds in his life , after death the spirit ( ghost ) of the person will be arranged to be reborn into a rich and dignified family to enjoy a good life .

  24. 因此,除了让学生到大自然中感悟美好的人生外,还应该构建学生健康审美心理的校园自然环境和精神环境,正确引导学生看待社会生活的时尚,培养学生健康的审美人格。

    This paper suggests that , besides the enlightenment of beautiful life from the nature , we should build up the campus natural surrounding and spiritual surrounding for the very healthy aesthetic psychology to lead students shape fair aesthetic personality as well as a suitable respect to social popularity .

  25. 最后一朵,最后一朵,祝你有美好长久的人生。

    And the last one for a long and healthy life !

  26. 萨沙,举杯赞美这“美好”的人生吧!

    Here 's to a wonderful life , Sasha .

  27. 我开始形成了自己最初的、也是最美好的对人生的看法:人活着,就是为了使别人生活得更美好;

    I began to shape the original and nice view about life : we live in order to make other live better ;

  28. 生命是宝贵的,生活是美好的,人生道路上出现任何艰难险阻,都是可以战胜的,因为历史毕竟是向前发展的,人类文明是逐步完善的。

    Life is precious , life is beautiful , and any difficulties in life path can be overcome , because history is , after all , develop , human civilization is gradually improving .

  29. 那是一棵圣诞树,它提醒着人们节日的喜庆将至,还要去共度美好的时光,人生还要向前走,我们定能重建家园。

    Its a Christmas tree , and its there to remind the neighborhood that there will still be holidays to celebrate , and happy moments to share , and life will go on . And we will rebuild .

  30. 该部分分为落后陋习的持有和美好人性的再现、人生理想的怀疑和献身精神的葆有、守旧传统的保持和开拓进取的追求等三个层次。

    This part is divided into three aspects , which consists of maintaining the bad habits behind and reproducing a better humanity , suspecting ideals and keeping dedication , keeping the old-fashioned traditional and keeping the pioneering spirit .