
  1. 美丽背后的阴谋&女性时尚杂志批判

    The Plot Behind Beauties & A Criticism on Magazines of Women 's Fashions

  2. 你要好好理解美丽背后的意思。

    To understand this , you 've gotta the idea behind the beauty .

  3. 但是,美丽背后的房地产公司的表现,但总体上呈现硬的现金流量。

    However , the real estate company behind the beautiful performance , but generally shows a flow of hard cash .

  4. 但所有这些美丽的背后有着沉重的代价。

    But all that beauty comes at a heavy price .

  5. 《永恒美丽的背后:孟买地下城的生命、死亡与希望》

    BEHIND THE BEAUTIFUL FOREVERS Life , Death , and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity .

  6. 美丽的背后是压力和责任

    Behind Beauty Lies Pressure and Responsibilities

  7. 但是,明信片上的泰姬陵并不足以传递这座世界上保存最完整、建筑风格最美丽的坟墓背后的传奇爱情故事。

    However , the postcard picture does not adequately convey the legend and romance that shroud ( 6 ) the world 's most well-preserved and architecturally beautiful tomb .

  8. 带有几亩绿地庭院的漂亮房子可能看起来很有吸引力,但这美丽的画面背后可能隐藏着诸多问题,从长远来看,这些问题将花费你上千美元,以及引发不少失眠。

    A beautiful home on several acres of green yard might look appealing , but that pretty picture could be hiding problems that will cost you thousands of dollars and hours of lost sleep in the long run .

  9. SK-II:美丽化身错误的背后

    SK-II : Behind Beauty Turning into Fault

  10. 德国的研究者说,不规则而美丽的海岸线背后所隐藏的数学可能有助于保持细胞生物学的秩序。

    The maths behind the rugged beauty of a coastline may help to keep cell biology in order , say researchers in Germany .

  11. 最普通的脸变得美丽的人在背后,是充满信心的智慧和生活的快乐。

    The most ordinary face becomes beautiful when the person behind it is filled with confidence , wisdom and the joy of life .