
  1. 她大概也只知道他的名字叫孙少平吧?

    She probably only knew his name of Sun Shaoping as well .

  2. 这点从孙少平身上得到最突出的体现。

    Sunshaobeng from this point on the most prominent manifestation .

  3. 孙少平上这学实在是太艰难了。

    It was truly very difficult for Sun Shaoping to live this school life .

  4. 比如说孙少平,他受过了高中教育,他经过自学达到可与大学生进行思想探讨的程度。

    For example Sunshaobeng , he received a high school education , he can be achieved through self-study with college students on the extent of thinking .