
  1. 林合隆解释说:这毕竟是一个关于爱的故事。

    The story is about love , after all , Lin explains .

  2. 该剧导演,台湾著名爱情剧制作人林合隆认为,两者都是需品尝才能懂得其美妙之处的感官体验。

    Both are sensory experiences that need to be tasted in order to understand how lovely and beautiful they are , according to the series ' director Lin He-long , who is known for making romantic dramas in Taiwan .

  3. 该剧导演,台湾著名爱情剧制作人林合隆认为,两者都是“需品尝才能懂得其美妙之处的感官体验。”

    Both are " sensory experiences that need to be tasted in order to understand how lovely and beautiful they are , " according to the series ' director Lin He-long , who is known for making romantic dramas in Taiwan .