
  • 网络TOWN CAR;Lincoln Town Car
  1. 住在新泽西州LakeHopatcong的汽车代理经理马修?鲍尔(MatthewPower)开着一辆大型林肯城市车(LincolnTownCar),他说,汽油价格让他不堪重负。

    Matthew Power , a car-dealership manager who lives in Lake Hopatcong , New Jersey , and drives a large Lincoln Town Car , says gasoline prices'are killing me .

  2. 就像行驶在曼哈顿市中心的林肯城市汽车,看起来并无亮点,同样,之前的ThinkPad笔记本在外型上一直以求稳著称。

    In the same way a Lincoln Town car might cut an innocuous profile whizzing across the streets of midtown Manhattan , previous ThinkPad notebooks have made a virtue of playing it safe looks-wise .

  3. 在美国市场,受林肯城市(TownCar)系列车型逐步退市影响,去年林肯汽车销量小幅下滑不到1%,至81694辆。

    In the U.S. , Lincoln sales declined slightly in 2013 -- a drop of less than 1 % , to 81694 -- as the brand dealt with the phaseout of the Town Car .

  4. 林肯城市轿车遥控密码锁系统的使用与诊断维修

    Operation , Diagnosis and Maintenance of Remote Control Code Lock System on LINCOLN CITY Car

  5. 西班牙北部的拉科鲁尼亚,一辆摩托车呼啸着驶到交通灯下,在一辆黑色的林肯城市轿车旁停住。

    The motorbike roared up to the traffic light in La Coru ñ a in northern Spain and stopped alongside a black town car .

  6. 介绍林肯城市轿车遥控密码锁系统的主要组成和操作方法,分析该系统常见故障的诊断维修措施。

    This paper introduces the main components and the operational ways of the remote control code lock system on LINCOLN CITY car as well as analyzes the diagnosis and maintenance measures for its common faults .