
  • 网络Sports car;suv
  1. 我们曾有一位顾客对一辆需要特殊部件的豪华运动型轿车感兴趣。

    One of our dealers had a customer interested in a luxury used sports car that needed a particular part .

  2. 据说兰伯基尼本人就是这种不甘示弱的牛脾气,也体现了兰伯基尼公司产品的特点,因为公司生产的汽车都是大功率、高速的运动型轿车。

    This is not to be outdone , I said Lamborghini cattle temperament , and also embodies the Lamborghini product features because cars are produced by high-power , high-speed sports cars .

  3. 雷克萨斯(Lexus)本周将在底特律展示一款搭载5.0升发动机、能够产生500马力的运动型轿车。

    Lexus is displaying a sports sedan this week in Detroit with a 5.0-liter engine that could generate as much as 500 horsepower .

  4. 雷克萨斯已经信心十足地做好了销量反弹的准备。除了LFA之外,雷克萨斯还打算推出一系列经过重新设计的车型,打头阵就是GS运动型轿车。

    The LFA aside , Lexus is poised to experience a spurt in sales as it launches a flurry of redesigned models , beginning with the GS sport sedan .

  5. 即使在车辆静止不动时,简洁的前悬和棱角分明的外形都显示其运动型轿车的特点。

    Even when it is motionless , the short overhangs and characteristic wedge shape express sporting dynamics .

  6. 我可以进行一些设置,以便她只能在家到学校的路段上享受驾驶特权,而且只能驾驶面包车(不是运动型轿车)。

    I could set something up so that she could exercise the privilege of driving only between home and school , and only in the minivan ( not the sport sedan ) .

  7. GS系列轿车定位为运动型豪华轿车。

    Lexus ′ s GS-series sedans are positioned as luxury sport sedans .

  8. 该车外型设计兼具跑车的野性、情与多功能旅行车的实用,体现了上海大众对传统车型的突破性尝试,是一款极具探索意义的未来中高级运动型多用途轿车。

    The exterior design is a unique blend of the wildness and enthusiasm of sports car and the practicability of station wagon , which shows SVW 's attempt at a breakthrough in the traditional type .