
  • 网络COUPE;coupé;mini coupe
  1. 而奥迪ShootingBrake和沃尔沃XC双门跑车都是插电式混合动力车,跨界概念车。

    The Audi Shooting Brake and the Volvo XC Coupe are both plug-in hybrid , concept crossovers .

  2. 而他们最新的改装厂是另一个宝马E92M3的双门跑车称为绿色地狱。

    And their latest addition to the tuning house is another BMW E92 M3 coupe called the Green Hell .

  3. 瑞典汽车制造商科尼塞克的CCX于2006年日内瓦车展上面世,这辆双门跑车有着V字型8缸4.7升双级涡轮增压发动机和六挡手动变速,这些都是Cima特意为科尼塞克设计的。

    The CCX from the Swedish manufacturer was revealed in 2006 , at the Geneva Motor Show . This 2-door roadster has a 4.7 L twin-supercharged V8 engine and a six speed manual gearbox made specially for Koenigsegg by Cima .

  4. 换句话说,所谓四门轿跑车型首先是一款四门轿车,只是它的车顶弧度更大,就像一款双门跑车一样。

    In other words , a four-door styled with a more sharply curving roofline & like a two-door coupe .

  5. 请考虑兰博基尼最新款610马力碳纤维双门硬顶跑车——HurácanLP610-4。

    Consider if you please the new Hur á can LP 610-4 , Lamborghini 's 610-horsepower carbon fiber coupe .