
  • 网络mass customization;eto;Custom Manufacturing;customization
  1. 延迟区分战略&实现大规模定制生产的有效途径

    Postponement Strategy : the Effective Approach to Mass Customization

  2. 大规模定制生产的实施策略

    Strategy of Execution on Mass Customization

  3. 基于Internet的大规模定制生产计划系统的研究

    A Research on System of Production Planning for Internet Based Mass Customization

  4. 大规模定制生产(masscustomization,MC)是适合以上需求的新的生产模式。

    Mass Customization is a new production pattern which meets all the needs above .

  5. 本文综合大规模定制生产模式(masscustomization,MC)和虚拟设计技术(Virtualdesign),针对碟阀产品设计提出一种设计生产模式。

    Based on the mass customization and virtual design technology , a new pattern for the butterfly valves design is put forward .

  6. 面向定制生产的CAPP系统的研究

    Research on CAPP System for Customization Production

  7. 介绍大批量定制生产(MC)产品的模块化设计基本原理、方法和应用。

    Introduces the basic principle , method and application of modularization design about MC products .

  8. 本公司产品以OEM加工、定制生产为主;

    Our company 's products to OEM processing , customization .

  9. PARISBLUES牛仔裤大规模定制生产快速智能反应研究

    Research on the Quick and Intelligent Respond Technology for PARIS BLUES 's Large Customized Jean Pants Produce

  10. 大规模定制生产(MC)被认为是21世纪的主要生产模式之一,大规模定制设计(DFMC)是实现大规模定制生产的产品设计方法。

    Mass Customization ( MC ) is considered as a 21st century-oriented production mode ;

  11. 提出一个面向大规模定制生产的集成信息管理系统框架,该系统框架由两部分内容组成:基于InformationHub的大规模定制生产供应链信息协作共享系统和实施大规模定制生产企业内部信息管理系统。

    An integrated information management system framework is proposed . The framework is composed of two parts : Information Hub based MC supply chain information collaboration and sharing system and MC company inner information management system .

  12. 本文主要研究了F家具有限公司实施大规模定制生产模式的主要策略,并着重考虑在我国市场环境中如何有效实施大规模定制生产。

    I put great emphasis on to consider that how to validly practice mass customization in this factory in China country market environment . This paper is totally divided into five chapters .

  13. 企业要获取更好的生存和发展空间,其生产模式必将向大批量定制生产模式(masscustomization,MC)转变。

    Therefore , in order to obtain a greater space to survive and prosper , production pattern of the corporation is bound to shift to Mass Customization ( MC ) mode .

  14. 针对大规模定制生产的特点,提出基于产品特征分离的BOM结构和产品结构单元库。

    In allusion to the characteristics of mass customization , based on feature separation a new BOM is given to build the production cell library .

  15. 以汽车行业的大规模定制生产研究为背景,研究了大规模定制生产(MCM)中面临的关键技术问题,包括快速反应大规模定制生产模式的支撑平台、系统控制、质量管理等技术。

    Key technologies of MCM are studied based on automotive mass customization manufacturing environment to solve two critical problems : costs and time .

  16. 大规模定制生产(MC)作为一种崭新的生产模式,追求以接近大规模生产的效率和低成本来最大限度的满足客户的个性化需求,适应动态多变的市场环境。

    Mass customization , as a new manufacture mode , persues fulfilling customers ' individualized requirements with efficiency and low cost of large scale production , and adapt to the dynamic and changeful market .

  17. 大规模客户定制生产中,面向订单设计(ETO)方式从最大程度上满足了客户个性化的产品需求,因此它对企业的产品设计管理能力要求很高。

    The manufacturing mode of Engineer-to-Order meets greatly the individual need of customers in mass customization , so it has much requirement on the ability of PDM .

  18. 基于定制生产原理,提出了满足基于预测生产、按订单装配(ATO)以及按订单制造(MTO)生产类型的虚拟企业生产计划模型和算法。

    The paper proposes mode and algorithm of VE production planning based on the customization manufacturing that cater for the production modes of the production based on forecasting , the Assemble To Order ( ATO ) and the Make To Order ( MTO ) .

  19. 介绍了数字技术以及服装定制生产模式,讨论数字技术对服装批量定制的推动,重点分析了三维人体测量、MTM技术和虚拟试衣可视技术以及在服装未来发展中数字技术的应用前景。

    This paper introduces digital technologies and Garment customization research . Basic application and new development of these digital technologies in the mass customization are reviewed , especially in researches of 3D human body measurement , made to measure , virtual try-on .

  20. 机床的批量定制生产实施策略分析

    Research on Implementing Strategy of Mass Customization for Machine Tool Production

  21. 集成化供应链管理为实现大规模定制生产提供了有效的途径。

    Integrated supply chain provides an effective approach for MC production .

  22. 大规模定制生产是多品种、单件、中小批量企业的发展方向

    Mass Custom - tailor , the Developing Trend of Manufacturing Industry

  23. 大规模定制生产:制造业的新选择

    Mass Customization : The New Choice of Manufacture Industry in China

  24. 服装定制生产人员工时规划编程方案

    Programming scheme for personnel optimizing for industrialized custom-made garments manufacture designing

  25. 利用延迟策略优化大规模定制生产系统

    On the Optimization of Mass Customization Production System by Postponement

  26. 在大规模定制生产模式下,缓冲区的作用显得尤为重要。

    The buffer is especially important under the mass customization production environment .

  27. 对面向大规模定制生产的企业知识共享技术进行了研究。

    The knowledge sharing technology for mass customization is studied .

  28. 研究了面向产品生命周期的网络化大规模定制生产模式。

    Networked mass customization production pattern based on product life-cycle is presented .

  29. 基于价值&成本模型的大规模定制生产模式

    Analysis of Mass Customization Based on Value - Cost Model

  30. 第四章简单介绍了大规模定制生产的柔性技术。

    In chapter 4,1 briefly introduced the flexible technique of mass customization .