
  • 网络Designated enterprises;designated tourism enterprises
  1. 1999年博山精工泵业有限公司被审定为山东省机械工业厅定点企业。

    Authorized it for the mechanical specially-designated factory of bureau of industry of ShanDong in1999 .

  2. 本厂是国家质量技术监督局、石化总公司定点企业。

    This factory is the appointed enterprise of the State Quality Technical Supervising Bureau and Chinese Petrochemical General Company .

  3. 以上产品远销欧美及东南亚地区,是国家出口定点企业。

    The above products are exported to Europe , America and Southeast Asia , is a fixed-point national export enterprises .

  4. 山东沾化碧源茶业有限公司是国家农业部茶叶质量监督检验测试中心定点企业。

    Zhanhua jujube teas Shandong Tea Ltd. for Quality Supervision and Inspection and the Ministry of Agriculture is testing centers designated enterprises .

  5. 燕京集团由国家牧业机械质量监督检验测试中心定为畜牧机械行业定点企业。

    The group has been set as an important one by the National Quality Supervising and Testing Center of Animal Husbandry Machinery ( NQSTCAHM ) .

  6. 海流公司是开发、研制、生产自动化给水设备的专业厂家,是国家消防产品的定点企业。

    Ocean current company develop , develop , specialized factory , production automation of water work , it is a specially-designated factory of the national fire control products .

  7. 同时指出了基地建设的必要条件,目前定点企业、定点基地已成为当地利用特有的自然环境形成优质米生产基地的成功模式。

    Necessary condition of base construction was put forward The pattern of the fixed company and the fixed base was successful when the proper entironment was used to form the production base of high quality rice .

  8. 中国船舶工业中国石油化工定点生产企业。

    China 's shipbuilding industry in China Petroleum and Chemical sentinel production enterprises .

  9. 其中硫酸二甲酯年产一万五千吨,是江苏省定点生产企业之一。

    A designated enterprise without production task for two years may be nullified of its designation .

  10. 我公司是国家机械工业局振动设备专业定点生产企业,省高新技术企业。

    Our company is a fixed point manufacturing enterprise , which the Stated Machinery Industry appoint , and it is a high-tech enterprise .

  11. 我公司为国家书刊定点印刷企业,位于北京都市圈的中心地带,交通极为便利,通讯网络发达。为服务全国地区各方用户奠定良好的地域条件。

    Our company for the national books fixed-point printing enterprise , is located in Beijing city circle heartland , the traffic is very convenient , communication network developed .

  12. 扬州某化工集团是原化工部橡胶骨架材料定点生产企业,国家大型企业。

    There is one chemical group in Yangzhou , which is national large-scale enterprise , it is appointed to provide raw rubber material for department of chemical plant .

  13. 江苏长青农化股份有限公司系国家定点农药生产企业,国家高新技术企业。

    Jiangsu Changqing Agrochemical Co. , Ltd. , is a state designated pesticide manufacturer and national high-tech enterprise .

  14. 关于防火卷帘控制设计中执行规范的探讨公司是上海市消防局定点生产钢质防火卷帘门的定点生产企业。

    The research of code for fireproof shade design Our company is the pointed manufacture that is authorized by Shanghai Fire Control Bureau to produce steel anti-fire rolling curtain .