
  1. 同时结合目前设计现状,总结了SOHO数码办公产品的五大发展趋势,即多功能一体机,便携移动性,智能小型化,易用性和通用性更强,以及强调人文关怀。

    At the same time , combining with present design condition , we sum up five SOHO digital office products ' development trends which are multi-function product , portable mobility , smart small , humanization and more easy and interchangeability .

  2. 江苏省五大发展战略比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Five Development Strategies of Jiangsu Province

  3. 五大发展理念(创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享)

    development concept of innovation , harmonization , green , openness and sharing

  4. 而后在总结世界地球信息产业化现状的基础上,提出了未来的五大发展趋势。

    Then , the current situation of Geoinformatic Industrialization in the world is presented . Finally , the five developing tendencies are put forward .

  5. 围绕思路和目标,提出了坚持政府主导、统筹带动、特色提升、开发开放、创新驱动等五大发展战略。

    And puts forward five development strategy : dominate by the government , driving as a whole , upgrade with characteristics , develop an open , driven by innovation .

  6. 江苏五大发展战略的提出,虽早于全国五个统筹,但其较为全面地体现了五个统筹的思路。

    Five development strategies of Jiangsu province is put forward than " five overall arrangements " early , but embodies comprehensively the ideas of " five overall arrangements " .

  7. 从分析传统图书馆管理的缺陷入手,论述了图书馆管理的五大发展趋势:管理观念:从封闭型向开放型转移;

    Starting from the analysis of deficiency of traditional library management , this paper describes the developing trends of library management in five aspects as management concept : shifting from close to open ;

  8. 本文在分析工程的本质、历史沿革、发展趋势基础上,探讨了工程教育的性质和特征,提出了未来工程教育五大发展与变革趋势。

    Based on the analysis on its essence , historic reform , and development trend , this paper has conducted a research into its characteristics and put forward its five future development and reform trend .

  9. 文章辨证比较了江苏五大发展战略与五个统筹形成背景、客观总结了五大发展战略的江苏经验与区域特色,并以五个统筹为指导,科学重构了江苏五大发展战略。

    Based on recognizing their background , this paper has objectively summarized regional experiences and features of five development strategies of Jiangsu . Finally , according to the request of " five overall arrangements ", the author has reconstructed five development strategies of Jiangsu province .

  10. 目前,国家电网公司提出三集五大的发展战略,大运行体系下实现调控一体化是发展的必然趋势。

    Currently , according to the development strategy of the state grid , it is inevitable trend to achieve the integration control .

  11. 在2002年南非约翰内斯堡举行的可持续发展世界首脑会议上,水被列为水、能源、健康、农业和生物多样化五大可持续发展的世界性课题之首。

    In the world summit meeting about sustainable development held in Johannesburg , South Africa in 2002 , the water has been listed as the head of five worldwide sustainable development topics which are the water , the energy , the health , the agriculture and the biological diversification .

  12. 五大理念引领发展未来。

    The Five Development Ideas are the future .

  13. 宽甸依托五大优势推进经济发展

    Kuandian Relies On Its Superiority To Develop Economy

  14. 中国五大经济特区可持续发展战略研究

    Strategic Study on the Sustainable Development of " Five Special Economic Zones " in China

  15. 我国矿产资源产业的五大行业的科学发展水平都处于较低的水平且都处于传统的发展水平。

    As to mineral resources industry . ' five industries , the overall scientific development level is not high , and still keeps on a traditional development stage .

  16. 从结构上看,三大战略是经济增长的基础,五大问题是经济发展的支持因素。

    As the view of structure , three strategies are the foundation of economic growth , and five questions are the supporting factors for the four strategies , which are necessary to realize harmonious development .

  17. 提出佛山实现现代化的经济与社会指标体系的构成可包括五大类(经济发展、经济与社会结构、人口素质、生活质量和社会秩序)14项。

    The article proposes that the economic and social index system for the modernization of Foshan City is formed by 14 indexes which can be classified into five categories : economic development ; economic and social structure ; population quality ;

  18. 面对这种现实,五大经济特区今后发展的目标和方向如何确定,能否实现经济的可持续发展,成为关系特区发展前途的重大问题。

    To the reality , what are the goals and the orientations of the future development of five special economic zones and whether they can implement the economic sustainable development have become the important problems about the future development of the special zones .

  19. 在此基础上依据五大资本对自我发展能力进行了多层系的指标性分析,利用层次分析和指数功效函数的改进模型对甘肃河西三区两市十一五期间的相关数据进行实证分析。

    On this basis , based on the five capital to the self-development ability of multi indexes analyzed , using hierarchical analysis and index effect function to improve model in Hexi areas , two city during the period of " 11th five-year plan " of related data for empirical analysis .

  20. 对统一消息业务进行了简单的介绍,详细描述了它的五大功能以及目前发展的现状,在此基础上给出了该业务在软交换系统中的实现过程以及实现的难点。

    In this paper , it offers a brief introduction of the Unified Message Service , then it describes its five main functions and the current situation of development . Based on that , it presents the realization process and the difficulties of the service in the soft switch system .