
  • 网络theme hotel;Themed Hotel
  1. 主题酒店产品的设计原则

    Design Principles of Theme Hotel Products

  2. 在主题酒店的经营管理中,其主题文化是较为核心的因素。

    In the management of the theme hotel , the theme culture is the key element .

  3. 美国佛罗里达的lego主题酒店终于开业了,这对lego迷来说,简直棒呆!

    The Legoland hotel in Florida has finally opened and eveything really is awesome 。

  4. 在哈瓦那的最后一天,我路过了被誉为“世界唯一一家雪茄主题酒店”的康德维拉诺威瓦酒店(HotelCondedeVillanueva)。

    On my final day in Havana I came across the Hotel Conde de Villanueva , billed as the world 's only hostel dedicated to cigars .

  5. 中国主题酒店的创建和管理

    The Establishment and Management of Theme Hotels in China

  6. 中国主题酒店文化融合的思考

    Reflections on Cultural Integration of China 's Theme Hotels

  7. 长沙豪布斯卡酒店,长沙最具时尚魅力的五星级奢华艺术主题酒店。

    Changsha Hopesky Hotel is the most fashionable charming five-star business hotel in Changsha .

  8. 游乐园中有两个主题酒店,其中一个是“玩具总动员主题酒店”。

    There are two themed hotels at the resort including a Toy Story hotel .

  9. 主题酒店与特色酒店

    Theme Hotel & Feature Hotel

  10. 近年来,主题酒店亦成为我国酒店业关注的焦点。

    During recent years , themed hotel has already been the focus of the hotel industry in China .

  11. 电影主题酒店越来越受到大众的欢迎,它可以带领人们进入另一个截然不同的世界。

    Movie Themed hotels are rising in popularity , as they allow us to step into another world .

  12. 成功经营主题酒店需要相应的科学理论作指导。

    So , people need correlative scientific theory to guide them how to run the Themed Hotel successfully .

  13. 进一步探索了地域文化主题酒店从文化分析到主题定位再到主题演绎这一完整的过程。

    It further explores the regional culture-themed hotel and analyzes the complete process of locating culture to interpretation theme .

  14. 在简要介绍了主题酒店及其本质的基础上,着重探讨了主题酒店的体系建立。

    This paper emphasizes system establishment of theme hotel on the basis of introducing theme hotel and its essence .

  15. 第三章对主题酒店的政治、经济、社会和技术环境以及产业环境进行了分析。

    The third chapter analyzes the political , economic , social and technical environment , as well as industry environment .

  16. 另一个主题酒店——“上海迪士尼乐园酒店”则以带有迪士尼色彩的新艺术主义为设计风格,内有米奇和米妮的青铜雕像。

    While the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel is art-nouveau inspired with a touch of Disney including bronze statues of Mickey and Minnie mouse .

  17. 不,这是安徽省会城市合肥一家主题酒店开设的“监狱房”。

    No , it 's a prison-like room at a theme hotel opened recently in Hefei , the capital of Anhui province .

  18. 然后分析了影响主题酒店主题定位的各种因素,包括文化因素、经济因素、社会因素、市场因素。

    Fifthly , the analyses on sorts of factors which affect the definition , including culture , economy , society and market .

  19. 本文从文化理论角度出发探讨主题酒店的特色构建问题,为这一领域提供了新的研究思路。

    This paper discussed the theme hotel from the culture theory and gave quite a new prospective to the study of this field .

  20. 这个主题酒店的餐厅里,装饰有中国风筝,上面还印着《玩具总动员》里的可爱角色,如“啄木鸟伍迪”和“巴斯光年”。

    Inside the hotel 's restaurant , there are Chinese kites featuring the loveable Toy Story characters such as Woody and Buzz Lightyear .

  21. 主题酒店产品是体验经济理论在酒店业的运用,是典型的体验产品。

    Themed hotel product ( THP ), which is a representative experience product , is the practice of experience theory in the hospitality industry .

  22. 本文首先对主题酒店和地域文化的研究进行了回顾,对主题酒店、地域文化等概念进行了界定。

    This paper reviews the studies of the theme hotel first to make clear the definitions of theme hotel , regional culture and so on .

  23. 主题酒店的完整体系应包括4个层次:感观层次、产品层次、功能层次、品牌战略层次。

    The complete system of theme hotel should include four levels : sense level , product level , function level , brand and strategy level .

  24. 主题酒店被认为是酒店业最快的成长趋势,也是中国酒店业未来发展的趋势。

    Theme hotel is believed to be the fastest growing trend of the hotel industry , but also the future development trend of China Hotel industry .

  25. 从主题酒店的设计、建造、装饰到服务等都应该以对主题文化的打造为主线进行设计。

    From design , construction , hotels decoration services should be based on the theme of culture to build as the main line , the design .

  26. 酒店业的创新主要有四种类型,即主题酒店、绿色酒店、产权酒店和会展酒店。

    There are four main types of the innovation of the hotel industry . They are theme hotel , green hotel , property hotel and convention hotel .

  27. 通过大量的文献总结和一定的实证调查,本文对影响主题酒店主题文化选择的影响因素进行了综合分析。

    By means of plentiful literature sum-up and demonstration survey , this article synthetically analyzes the factors which influence the choice of theme culture of theme hotel .

  28. 主题酒店在国外发展了几十年,已经不是一个新鲜的话题,但在中国兴起的时间晚,发展相对滞后。

    Theme hotel development in foreign countries for decades , is not a new topic , but in China the rise time of late , develops opposite lag .

  29. 接着在分析国内主题酒店文化氛围营造现状的基础上,指出了我国主题酒店文化氛围营造目前存在的问题及原因。

    According to analysis of the status of domestic hotel culture , the paper also pionted out problems and causes of buiding theme hotel culture in our country .

  30. 主题酒店是将某一社会或自然的主题表现于酒店的建筑装饰、并将主题文化元素融合于整个价值链的综合性住宿餐饮服务设施。

    Theme hotel is a comprehensive accommodation facility with special social or natural characters in the style of its architecture and decoration as well as the whole value chain .