
zhǔ tí suǒ yǐn
  • subject index
  1. 利用Word编制主题索引的一种简便方法

    A simple method using Word to compile subject index

  2. 介绍利用Word软件的文字转化为表格及函件合并功能编制主题索引的方法及其适用范围、优缺点和注意事项。

    The paper introduces a method to compile subject index with the functions of " transforming character into table " and " mail merging " of Microsoft Word and its application range , advantages , disadvantages and issues that should be paid attention to .

  3. ASI是ArticulatedSubjectIndex的简称,国内习惯称之为挂接主题索引。

    ASI is the abbreviation for Articulated Subject Index .

  4. 科技论文中的关键词索引和主题索引

    The Key Word Index and the Subject Index in the Scientific Treatises

  5. 等级式宇宙模型主题索引编排形式的探索

    Classify universe model study on the pattern of laying out subject index

  6. 提供主题索引,通过该索引可以获得帮助。

    Offers you an index to topics on which you can get help .

  7. 手检式主题索引的著录与编排

    The Description and Compilation of Manual Subject Index

  8. 中国普通外科杂志2005年第14卷1~12期主题索引

    Chinese Journal of general surgery Vol.14 No.1 ~ 12 2005 medical subject heading index

  9. 先组式主题索引利用模板处理的方法初探&在数字化信息环境下

    A Primary Inquiry in Using Template Mining of Pre-Coordinate Indexing Systems & under the Digital Information Environment

  10. 农村实用科技信息篇名主题索引卡

    This Paper Fouches Mainly on the Features and It Compilation of Index Carol of Title Topic about Rural Practical Scientific Information

  11. 每种出版物用三种方式索引:主题索引,作者名索引和书名索引。

    Every publication is indexed in three ways : by subject , by author 's first name , and by title .

  12. 一个主题索引进行方式是像一个本垒或是一个显而易见的地标,学生可以回到这边并继续搜寻。

    A typical search progressed around a home base , or a landmark , to which a student would return to continue the search .

  13. 本文主要介绍了在数字化的信息环境下,模板处理、先组式主题索引和后组式主题索引的定义及其内容。

    This article mainly sets forth the definition and the content of template mining and precoordinate indexing systems and post-coordinate indexing systems under the digital information environment .

  14. 该库在建成之后,不仅提供计算机检索服务,还可提供计算机编排《中国学术会议文献通报》及主题索引。

    It provides not only the computerized information retrieval , but also " The Announcement of academic proceedings in China " and its subject index compiled by computer after the establishment of the data-base .

  15. 主题词索引是这本书的附录。

    A key word index is an enlargement to the Book .

  16. 中国药物依赖性杂志主题词索引(2005年第14卷)

    Subject index ( 2005 Volume 14 )

  17. 本文设计了一种新型的专业分类表《中国图书馆图书分类法畜牧专业分类表》,除了传统的分类表以外,它还增加了分类号主题词对照索引和KWIC塑入口词索引。

    The paper designs a bland new professional classification table --

  18. 论文中列有该主题的文献索引。

    The study includes a bibliography of resources on this subject .

  19. 《岩矿测试》第25卷主题和作者索引

    Rock and Mineral Analysis Vol.25 , Subject Index and Author Index

  20. 本文运用树形结构原理,对汉语主题词范畴索引进行了计算机模型设计。

    A computer model of category index for Chinese thesaurus is designed by using a tree structure in this paper .

  21. 这些报告按主题被编了索引。

    The reports are indexed by subject .

  22. 在对垂直搜索引擎的关键技术进行研究的基础上,本文研究并设计了垂直搜索引擎的主题爬行模块、索引模块和检索模块,并最终实现了一个垂直搜索引擎原型系统。

    The thesis designs a vertical search engine prototype system , including the focused crawling model , the index model and the retrieval model .

  23. 本文是自动编制中文标题的主题词轮排索引及自动抽词的续篇。在这篇文章中,我们专门地介绍了用电脑自动编制选取主题词时所需要的所谓部件词典的算法。

    This paper introduces the algorithm to auto-making of the dictionary of parts combining keywords . It is a continuation of " Autoindex on Chinese Documet Title " .

  24. 针对教育软件中导航文档的主题、内容、索引及结构的设计进行了粗略的探讨,并对实现导航文档的一般步骤进行了总结。

    This paper discusses the designing of topic , contents , index and structure of a navigation manual of educational software and summarizes the general steps to implement it .

  25. 你看,有节日的、生日的、抓拍的……我还按照主题做了交叉索引。

    Okay , we have uh , we got holidays , birthdays , candids , y'know ... And then what I 've done is I 've cross-referenced them by subject .

  26. 介绍了《环境文摘》的主题范围及收录的文章和出版物,详细说明了《环境文摘》的4种索引,即主题索引、作者索引、来源索引及标题索引。

    This paper introduces the subject scope , collected papers and publications of the , and expounds in detail four kinds of indexes of the , which are the subject index , author index , origin index and topic index .

  27. 主题搜索引擎是为了提高互联网特定领域信息检索的效率而产生的。它通过网络爬虫获取主题信息并建立索引对用户提供相关信息和服务。

    It through the Web crawler to obtain the theme information , indexing and provides relevant information and services to users . Theme search engines refine areas of common search engines .