
zhǔ biāo zhì
  • leading mark;main mark;principal mark
  1. 图中标志的含义是确定主标志规定的区域。

    The sign in the picture is designed to indicate the area specified in the main sign .

  2. 每个月你都有机会为渣打银行当月最佳球员投票,获奖者将得到带有主赞助商标志的奖杯。

    Every month you 'll get the chance to vote for the Standard Chartered Player of the Month-and the winner will be presented with our brand new trophy courtesy of our main club sponsor .

  3. 私营企业主的崛起标志着原有同质性很高的社会的分化。

    Rise of private enterprises owners indicates the breakup of former society with high homogeneity .

  4. 用差应变分析(DSA)法确定最大主应力相对标志线的方位,与古地磁测试结果结合,即可确定出该地区的最大主应力方向。

    Differential strain analysis ( DSA ) method , which is used to determine the direction of the maximum principle stress with respect to the master orientation line , is combined with the results of magnetic tests to define the direct of the maximum principle stress in the area .

  5. 关于所有进一步开支后的货物的转让标记须应承担的东主的实体的标志。

    All further expenses concerning the Cargo Marks shall after the assignment be borne by the entity proprietor of the Cargo Marks .

  6. 文章主要从主位角色和主位标志两方面讨论现代汉语时间连接成分的主位识别。

    The article discusses the theme recognition of time connective expressing mainly from two aspects of the theme role and theme mark in modern Chinese .

  7. 胃蛋白酶原C(pepsinogenC,Pgc)在胃粘膜的主细胞特异性表达,是主细胞的标志物分子。

    Pepsinogen C ( Pgc ) was expressed specially in gastric chief cells , and was used as a chief cell marker .