
  1. 分析比较了反航母战斗群主战装备的两种方案,对巡航/飞航导弹和精确制导弹道导弹的反航母作战能力进行了分析。

    Two viewpoints of attacking battle group of aircraft carrier are analyzed and compared .

  2. 作为以直升机为主战装备的陆军航空兵也正在成为军队和战争的新宠。

    The Army Aviation of Main battle equipment to the helicopter-based is also becoming the new darling of the military and war .

  3. 某种陆军主战装备的维修保障费用约占其全寿命周期费用的60-70%。

    The maintenance cost of a certain army main equipment is to account for 60-70 % of its whole life cycle cost .

  4. 地面防空雷达作为现代防空体系的主战装备和主要信息源之一,它的生存性面临着严重的威胁。

    As one of the main weapon and the information resources in the modern air-defence system , the viability of antiaircraft radar on the ground is confronted with serious threats .

  5. 计算机网络技术的发展对对遂行多样化任务提供了更多的软件支持,利用先进的计算机科学技术实现军队指挥自动化,主战装备信息化,军队日常业务办公信息化已经是发展的必然。

    With the development of the computer network technology , more and more software can support diversity task . It is necessary to take advantage of using the advanced computer science and technology , so as to achieve the informatization of military command , equipment management and daily office .

  6. 96式坦克是我军目前装备的最先进的主战坦克之一,也是装甲兵未来岛屿山地作战的主战装备。

    96 type tanks are our armies to equip now earliest the lord that enter war one of the tanks , is also a main war material that future group of islands in armored force mountainous country battle .