
  1. 基于能力需求的武器装备体系作战能力评价

    Combat Capability Evaluation of Weapon Equipment System Based on Capability Requirement

  2. 导弹作战体系作战能力评估方法研究

    Research on the Combat Capability Evaluation Method for Missile Combat System

  3. 防空体系作战能力灰色聚类评估

    Combat effectiveness assessment of air defense system using grey clustering

  4. 海军武器装备体系作战能力评估模型研究

    Study on the Evaluating Model of Campaign Capability of SOS in Navy

  5. 空军武器装备体系作战能力聚合模型

    Research on Aggregation Model for Air-force Arming System Combat Capability

  6. 增强基于信息系统的体系作战能力。

    Enhancing capabilities for system-vs-system operations based on information systems .

  7. 武器装备体系作战能力评估框架

    Framework to evaluate the combat capability of weapons SoS

  8. 对导弹作战体系作战能力评估问题进行了建模与仿真研究。

    The paper studies the modeling and simulation of combat capability evaluation of missile combat system .

  9. 结果表明该方法用于防空体系作战能力的评估是切实可行的。

    The result shows the method is practical for the combat effectiveness assessment of air defense system .

  10. 最后,基于装备体系作战能力的数值分析,提出了在战争模拟中基于多分辨率数据的多分辨率建模方法。

    The relation between least square collocation and data resolution is discussed based on the form in frequency domain of the principle of least mean square error .

  11. 传统的体系作战能力评估方法没有充分描述体系结构对其作战能力的影响,而是取体系中主战型武器系统的作战能力来衡量体系整体的作战能力。

    Traditional evaluation methods of Weapons system-of-systems combat capability do not describe the effect of architecture sufficiently . They always regard the main weapons system combat capability as the system-of-systems combat capability .

  12. 然后分析了以往利用解析法进行作战能力评估的缺陷,提出了折合系数的概念,进而提出了一种武器装备体系作战能力评估框架。

    Then the disadvantages of the previous analysis method of capability evaluation ae analyzed . Finally the concept of discount coefficient and a new framework to evaluate the combat capability of weapons SoS are proposed .

  13. 明确了武器装备作战能力的概念,分析了武器装备作战能力和武器装备作战效能的关系,及武器装备体系作战能力的决定因素。

    This paper clearly defines the combat capability of the weapon systems , analyzes not only the relationship between the combat capability and the combat effectiveness , but also the factors that decide the combat capability of the weapon systems .

  14. 分析了体系作战能力评估的特性和要求,并建立了阻击式防空体系作战能力评估框架。(2)对武器装备体系的作战视图和系统视图进行了详细的设计。

    The characters and requests of the system-of-systems combat capability evaluation are analyzed , and the framework of Interceptive aerial defence weapons system-of-systems combat capability evaluation is built . ( 2 ) Design the Operational view and System View products of weapons system-of-systems detailedly .

  15. 通过对三种不同模式的仿真定量分析,明确说明了协同作战方式优于传统作战方式,同时,也从某种程度上印证了提高基于信息系统的体系作战能力这一重要论述的正确性。

    Through the simulation and quantitative analysis of three different styles , definitely explain that cooperative combat style is superior to traditional combat style , and confirm a certain extent that the important dissertation & Improving the system combat capability based on information systemis correct .

  16. 因此,对阻击式防空体系的作战能力进行评估具有重要的意义。

    So it is significative to evaluate combat capability of Interceptive aerial defence weapons system-of-systems .

  17. 最后为基于信息系统的体系作战指挥能力引入了合适的评估方法并应用举例,增强了论文研究的现实指导意义。

    At last introduced appropriate assessment methods for the capability and application examples and further enhance the practical significance of this thesis .

  18. 受战争形态转变的影响,武器装备的发展已经由重视武器装备系统/武器装备平台作战能力转变为重视武器装备体系整体作战能力。

    Influenced by changes of the form of wars , the development of weapon and equipment has shifted from emphasis on single weapon system combat capability platform to emphasize the overall combat capability of the weapon SoS .

  19. 武器装备体系的整体作战能力由多个系统相互作用产生。

    The results of the combat depend on the combat capability of all weapons and equipment , and the overall combat capabilities depend on the interaction of multiple systems , rather than individual attributes of a weapon or equipment .