
  1. 高中体育分类教学模式

    Research on the classified P.E. teaching mode in senior high schools

  2. 关于竞技体育分类的研究

    A Study of the Category of Competitive Sport

  3. 关于体育分类的思考

    Thinking of the Classification of Sport

  4. 中文文献资料主要通过中国期刊网的文化、科学、教育、体育分类中查找关键词为动态评估,从中国学术期刊全文数据库获取中文期刊论文。

    Papers in Chinese were scanned in culture , science , education and physical education of Chinese journal net by using the keywords of " dynamic assessment " .

  5. 基于支持向量机元分类器的体育视频分类

    Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) Meta Classifier Based Sport Video Classification

  6. 世界体育项目分类与比较研究

    The Research on Classification and Comparison of World Sport Events

  7. 西南少数民族传统体育游艺分类及其特征

    Classification of Traditional Sports and Recreation in Southwest Minority Nationalities and their Characteristics

  8. 关于中国体育现象分类问题的探究

    Study on the Classified Problem of Chinese Sports Phenomenon

  9. 论海洋体育的分类与开发

    On the Classification and Development of Marine Sports

  10. 视频镜头边界检测与体育视频分类算法研究

    Shot Boundary Detection and Classification of Sports Videos

  11. 民俗体育的分类和特征。

    The classification and characteristics of folk sports .

  12. 体育学科分类体系的科学性探讨

    Discussion on Sports Subject Classification

  13. 研究民俗体育的分类和特征,可以揭示出民俗体育传承至今的发展规律。

    We can reveal the developmental law by the research on the classification and characteristics of folk sports . 3 .

  14. 要对海洋体育的分类、特点和开发利用进行深入地研究。

    So it is necessary to make a further study of the classification , characteristics and exploitation of the marine sports .

  15. 基于内容的体育节目分类是基于内容的视频信息分类检索的一个部分,是多媒体信息处理研究领域中的重要课题。

    The sportscast classification based on content is an important portion of the content-based video information classification and retrieval and main topic in the multimedia information research .

  16. 据《项群训练理论》对竞技体育的分类,竞技健美操属于技能类表现难美项群。

    According to the classification of competitive sports in Event-group Training Theory , aerobics belongs to " the technical ability event-group which is hard but beautiful to perform " .

  17. 对体育学科分类现状进行分析讨论,结果认为:《中图法》中的体育学科分类体系尚存在许多不足之处;

    This paper discusses and analyzes current situation of sports subject classification . The result shows that there exist a lot of shortages in system of sports subject classification according to library of China classification .

  18. 主要包括法律、规章、管理工作规程以及体育职业分类、体育职业技能标准、体育职业技能鉴定规范和体育职业技能鉴定站资格标准。

    The regulations include : law , regulation , management rules , the standards of sport occupation classification and sports vocational competency , sports vocational competency authentication , the criterion of sports vocational skills qualification .

  19. 在这一背景下,原有的体育产业分类方式愈来愈显示出与经济学原理、我国国民经济分类背景及产业发展现状的不相符合。

    As sport industry has developed in China , traditional way of classification made by original National Sport Committee has shown its inadequacy with theory of economics , the industry classification system of domestic economy in China and current status of the development of sport industry .

  20. 体育教学中分类指导与分层教学的应用

    The Application of Classified Direction and Stratified Teaching in PE Teaching

  21. 体育娱乐的分类方法与具体形式(续完)

    Classification and Concrete Form of Sport Recreation ( continued );

  22. 试论体育运动的分类体系

    Discussions on the Establishment of a System for Classifying Sports

  23. 我国体育产权的分类及其交易研究

    Classifications and Transaction of Sports Property Rights in China

  24. 新疆少数民族传统体育项群分类与评价研究

    Categories and Assessment of Minority Traditional Sports in Xinjiang

  25. 体育教学目标分类与实施

    Taxonomy and enforcement for objectives of Physical Teaching

  26. 试论体育的科学分类

    Trial-discussion on the scientific classification of sport SCIENCE

  27. 体育教学模式分类及其应用研究

    Classification of P.E Teaching Mode and Its Application

  28. 体育教学方法分类研究

    Research on Physical Education Teaching Method Classification

  29. 中国体育的科学分类

    Scientific Classification of Sports Activities in China

  30. 体育概念和分类的正确界定,是一个非常重要的理论问题。

    Correct definition of the concept and classification of sport is a very important theoretical issue .