
  • 网络Experiential Education;project adventure;Adventure Education
  1. 第四部分为体验教育模式的实践反思,寻找体验教育模式实施中遇到瓶颈的解决策略,展望体验教育模式实施的前景。

    Chapter IV experiential education model for the practice of reflection , looking for experience-based education model bottlenecks encountered in the implementation of the solutions and look forward to the implementation of experience-based model of the future of education .

  2. 乡村生态体验营销策略研究&以丹东为例生态体验教育理论对职前教育的理论指导

    Rural Ecological Experiential Marketing Strategy Theory Guidance Ecological Theory of Experiential Education to Education before Working

  3. 生态体验教育理论对职前教育的理论指导

    Theory Guidance Ecological Theory of Experiential Education to Education before Working

  4. 论柏格森的直觉体验教育哲学观

    A Study on Bergson 's Intuitional Experience of Education Philosophy

  5. 开展体验教育活动培养学生创造精神

    Develop Experience Education Activities and Cultivate Students ' Creation Spirit

  6. 体验教育:培养应用型创新人才的必然选择

    Experience Education : an Inevitable Way to Train Innovative Talents with Applied Competence

  7. 课程道德学习的课外体验教育

    On Extra-curricular Experience Education of Moral Learning at Class

  8. 要改变这一状况,就要进行道德体验教育。

    It must put up the moral experience education to change this condition .

  9. 论中学生的道德体验教育论道德教育中的体验

    On Moral Experience Education for Middle School Students

  10. 体验教育是更高层次的素质教育。

    Experience education is higher quality education .

  11. 生态体验教育在校本问题研究中发挥出独特的魅力前景。

    Ecological experience education is giving full play to its unique charming prosperity in the school-based research .

  12. 少先队体验教育是少先队开展道德实践活动的基本理念和基本途径。

    Experiencing education of young pioneers is the basic concept and method to expand young pioneers moral practice .

  13. 体验教育既是素质教育的召唤,又是当代社会道德建设的召唤。

    Experience Education is the call of quality education , but also the call of the construction of contemporary social morality .

  14. 为了增强德育的实效性,日本中小学非常重视德育的体验教育。

    For the sake of enhancing the real moral results , Japanese schools pay very much attention to the moral experience education .

  15. 希望本文能够抛砖引玉,为体验教育模式的构建提供更广阔的思路。

    I hope my thesis can initiate sex education for the experience of building a model to provide a broader line of thought .

  16. 体验教育,触动心灵的道德教育模式&高职院校思想道德教育模式探析

    Experience education , the heart-striking pattern of moral education & Research on the pattern of ideological and ethical education at higher vocational colleges

  17. 体验教育的途径是让学生用自我的视角去体验、用他人的视角去体验、在设定的事件和环境中去体验。

    Third , its approach is to encourage students to experience in their own perspective , in other 's perspective and experience in fixed event and circumstances .

  18. 认为学校之所以提出体验教育,是学校思想道德教育发展的必然结果,是对学校思想道德教育存在问题的反思、是学校思想道德教育的创新。

    The experiencing education in schools is the inevitable results of ideological and ethical education development in schools , and it is the rethink and innovation of ideological and ethical education in schools .

  19. 应把体验教育活动与少先队各项活动有机地结合起来,全面提高队员素质,促进少年儿童健康成长。

    To promote children 's healthy growth , we should combine experience education activities and all kinds of Young Pioneers activities organically . Also , we should improve wholly quality of Young Pioneers members .

  20. 其中教育机制的建立包括教育目的更新化(心灵的自由)、教育的公平正义化(有教无类)及教育行为的矫正(交往教育、阅读教育、体验教育)。

    The educational mechanism include aims of education updated ( freedom in heart ), justice of Education ( make no social distinctions in teaching ) and education behavior correction ( communication education , reading education , experience education ) .

  21. 高师教育要从学生实际出发,帮助高师生树立教师职业的尊严感,通过亲近教育实践,体验教育快乐,走近名师,陶冶教师人格等多种途径,培养高师生的敬业精神。

    Proceeding from the reality of the students , higher normal education should help students set up the dignity of being a teacher and develop devoted spirit through establishing intimacy with teaching activities , enjoying the happiness of teaching and keeping in close contact with famous teachers .

  22. 从教育实践中去得到新的衍生,从尝试农村体验教育,到体验教育的实践,再到实践与精神回归的结合,每一种衍生都是一种成长,也是一种本质的回归。

    To get new derivatives from education practice , from trying to rural education , to experience the practice of education , to return to the combination of practice and spirit , each derivative is a kind of growth , is also a kind of return to nature .

  23. 课内外“体验”教育成功实行改变着孩子纯真的内心世界;

    In and after class experience education cultivates the students inner heart ;

  24. 体验:教育哲学新的生长点

    Experience : A New Growth Point of Philosophy of Education

  25. 体验式教育是促进大学生全面发展的重要途径

    Experiential Education & The Important Way to Promote College Students ' All-round Development

  26. 论体验的教育价值

    The Study on The Educational Value of Experience

  27. 体验回归教育的价值

    Experiencing the Value of Regress Education

  28. 文化体验式教育&企业培训到企业教育的发展战略研究

    Cultural Experience of Education & The Study of Development Strategy of Entrepreneurial Training to the Education Enterprise

  29. 浅议高职教育与中间阶层培育的关系大学人格培育体系中体验式教育探究

    On the Relationship between Vocational Education and Cultivating the Middle Class ; On Experiential Education in Personality Cultivation System of Universities

  30. 先学后教,以学定教,不教而教的体验式教育模式的基本理念,建构在体验式教育的哲学、心理学、教育学的基础之上。

    The basic concepts in the experience-oriented education model are learning before teaching , teaching based on learning , and teaching without instruction .