
  1. 电视体育转播节目的字幕制作

    Caption Production in Live Sports Broadcasting

  2. 在体育转播、体育商务与体育营销中应充分发挥互联网作用,以期使我国体育产业尽快与互联网结合并产生新的效益。

    This paper puts forth that we should give full play to internet in sports broadcasting , sports business and sports marketing in order to bring better results to the sports industry .

  3. 第五章为结语,通过对中央电视台半个多世纪体育转播历史的归纳总结,结合当前世界体育转播发展新趋势,对中央电视台体育转播的未来进行展望。

    Chapter five summarizes the more than half a century history of CCTV sports broadcasting . Combined with nowadays worldwide sports broadcasting tendency , this chapter also prospects the future development of CCTV sports broadcasting .

  4. 第四章,论述网络时代来临、各类新媒体兴起后中央电视台体育转播的变革,研究中央电视台体育转播的新媒体之路。

    Chapter four discusses the transformation of CCTV sports channels after the coming of network era and the rising of various new media . It is to research on the new media approach of CCTV sports channels .

  5. 根据对奥运会转播权的基本概念和内容进行界定与分析后发现,我国现有的体育赛事转播权机制和对北京奥运会进行转播的BOB公司都具有一定的特殊性。

    After defining and analysising the basic problem of broadcasting right of Olympic games , discovery the existing mechanism of broadcasting rights in our country and the BOB company which broadcasted the Beijing Olympic games all have some peculiarity .

  6. 国际体育电视转播产业发展的特点

    Study on the characters of TV relay industry in the world

  7. 体育赛事转播权销售的反垄断问题初探

    Discussion on Anti-Monopoly in Selling of Broadcasting Rights of Sports Events

  8. 我国体育电视转播伴随职业体育的发展而起步的。

    The TV relay goes with the professional sport in China .

  9. 当前中国体育电视转播特色探析

    On the Characteristics of China 's Sports TV Broadcasting

  10. 论体育电视转播的产业化功能

    On the Industrial Function of Sports Telecast

  11. 在几十年的发展过程中,体育电视转播已经成为一个巨大的产业系统。

    In the past years , the TV relay right of sport has been a great industry system .

  12. 1961年通过的体育电视转播法对美国四大职业体育联盟集中销售电视转播权给予反垄断豁免。

    Leagues were exempted from antitrust law when collect sale broadcast right through the 1961 sports broadcast law .

  13. 本文旨在探讨国际体育赛事转播权销售的过程中,反垄断法对转播权的销售及购买模式所进行的各种审查。

    This dissertation is to discuss the how the monopoly law regulates the purchasing and selling of sports broadcasting right .

  14. 解释了体育赛事转播权的含义,认为赛事转播权中的“转播”,不仅仅是字面意思的“转播”,还有“直播”的含义。

    This paper explained the meaning of broadcasting rights of sports event firstly , and considered that rebroadcast in Chinese means living broadcast .

  15. 在转播过程中,各大媒体大量运用新技术以提升转播水平,通过这些方式,极大地促进了体育电视转播的产业化发展。

    In the same time , the new technologies are used to the TV relay , in the way , to advance the industrialization of sport TV relay .

  16. 其意思很明显:产品出现在这部电影里,其效果堪比美国电视界最大年度体育赛事转播中的商业广告。

    The meaning is clear : a product shot in the film will be the equivalent of the commercials screened during the biggest sporting event of the year on US TV .

  17. 媒体技术革新对传统媒体的渗透以及新媒体成为传统媒体的延伸是当前体育赛事转播的主要特点;

    The main characteristics of current sport events broadcasting include the penetration of media 's technological renovation toward traditional media and that new media has served as the extension of traditional media ;

  18. 在为观众提供更多、更好的电视转播服务的同时,大量采用新技术,以提高体育电视转播产业化水平。

    When we give the much more and better service for the audients , the new technologies is absolutely necessarily , to arise up the level of the industrialization of sport TV relay .

  19. 体育赛事转播权的销售主要涉及两大权利主体,包括转播权的原权利人即体育俱乐部和体育联盟,同时包括与转播权著作权相关的权利人即转播权流转之后的转播者。

    There are mainly two kinds of entities who involves in the sports broadcasting right selling which are original beholders of sports broadcasting right , the sports clubs and the sports leagues , and related rights beholders , the broadcasters .

  20. 中美体育赛事电视转播权营销现状比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Sports TV Relay Marketing Between China and USA

  21. 对我国体育赛事电视转播权的思考

    Probe on the Match Broadcasting Right of Sports in Our Country

  22. 论体育比赛电视转播权的国际保护

    On the International Protection of the TV Broadcasting Rights of Sports Events

  23. 体育赛事电视转播权的经济学分析

    Economical analysis on TV relay right of sports competition

  24. 美国各体育组织营销转播权得到一些法律条例的保护;

    American every sport organization marketing rebroadcast authority obtains some statue rules protections ;

  25. 体育比赛电视转播权及其市场的开发

    Study on the television relay right of sports affairs and its market development problems

  26. 重大体育赛事电视转播权费用呈大幅攀升的趋势;

    The expenses of purchasing the rights to rebroadcast important sports games are increasing .

  27. 国内外体育比赛电视转播权营销策略的研究

    Research on Marketing Strategy of Home and Abroad Sports Games and TV Relay Right

  28. 体育赛事电视转播权法律性质探析

    An Analysis of the Legal Nature of the Right of TV Broadcast of Athletic Games

  29. 关于我国体育比赛电视转播权有偿转让的初步研究

    The Tentative Research on Compensable Transfer of TV Relay Right of Our Country 's Sports Competition

  30. 第二部分闸述了与体育比赛电视转播权相关的基本概念。

    The second part is dwelled on the fundamental conceptions relating TV broadcasting rights of sports events .