
  • 网络behavior
  1. 洋务派体育行为选择的文化传播学解读

    Westernization of the culture of sports choice behavior interpretation of communication

  2. 安徽省普通高校特殊群体大学生体育行为研究

    Study on Sports Behavior of Special College Students in Anhui Universities

  3. 江苏大学生EPQ人格特征与体育行为的相关研究

    Personality Traits the Jiangsu of College Students Based on the EPQ and Their Behavior in Sports Activities an Investigation

  4. 不良体育行为对学生健康的影响

    The Effects of Harmful Gym Behaviours on Health of University Students

  5. 女大学生的体育行为调查分析

    An investigation and analysis of sports behaviors of female college students

  6. 当代大学生体育行为的调查与分析

    Survey and analysis of PE behavior for contemporary college students

  7. 对浙江省高校知识分子体育行为主要因素的分析

    Analysis on main factors in lowering the physical activities of college intellectuals

  8. 福州市部分高校硕士研究生体育行为之探微

    Research on Postgraduates ' P.E.Behaviour from Part of the Colleges in Fuzhou

  9. 对牡丹江市大学生冬季体育行为与影响因素的研究

    Influencing Factors on the Undergraduates Winter Sports Exercise Habit in Mudanjiang City

  10. 休闲体育行为发展阶段动机因素的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Motivation of the Leisure Sport Behavior Stage

  11. 直接体育行为是高校教师体育生活方式的最主要形式。

    Direct physical activity is the major physical life style of college teachers .

  12. 休闲体育行为对老年人的社会化价值研究

    Research on the Aged Socialization Through Leisure Sports Behavior

  13. 体育行为疗法干预贫困大学生心理健康的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Poor College Students ′ Psychological Health With Sports Behavior Therapy

  14. 休闲体育行为特征分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics of Leisure Sports Behavior

  15. 广东省成年女性身体素质现状及体育行为特征的调查分析

    Analysis and Research on Fitness and Sport Behaviors of Adult Women in Guangdong Province

  16. 论体育行为的流行与选择

    Discussion on Prevalence and Choice of Sports Behaviors

  17. 舟山海岛地区成年女子体质现状与体育行为调查

    Physical Conditions and Sporting Activities of Female Adults in Zhoushan Island Area of Zhejiang

  18. 大学生体育行为探析

    Discussion on Physical Education Behavior of College Students

  19. 第四,分析和探讨影响长春市在读硕士研究生体育行为的主要因素。

    Analyze and probe into the factors influencing the PE behavior of postgraduates in Changchun .

  20. 对非典后普通高校大学生健康意识与体育行为的调查与分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Health Consciousness and Training Behavior of College Students after SARS

  21. 理性选择与社区体育行为

    Rational Choice and Community Sports Behavior

  22. 第五,提出建议,促进在读硕士研究生体育行为现状的发展。

    Give suggestions to promote the development of the status quo of PE behavior of postgraduates .

  23. 闲暇体育行为现状的研究

    Research on the Sport Consciousness and Leisure Sports Behavior of Middle School Students in Shijiazhuang City

  24. 个别变异量的解释量以体育行为情感偏好层面的预测力最佳。

    Among the interpretation amounts , the sports behavior emotion preference has the best prediction force .

  25. 试论个性对普通院校大学生体育行为的影响

    On the Effect of Individuality on Sports Behaviors of College Students in Regular Colleges and Universities

  26. 影响本科生体育行为的主要因素是缺乏场地器材和学业繁忙没时间;

    The major factors affecting PE behavior of undergraduates are the lack of grounds , apparatus and time .

  27. 湖北省城镇4种职业人员体育行为的现状调查

    A Survey on Present Situation of Four Professional Personnal Sports Action for Cities and Towns in Hubei Province

  28. 鲁中地区城乡中年人群体育行为与体育需求研究

    Research on Sports Behavior and Demands of Urban and Rural Middle-aged Person Group in Central Region of Shandong Province

  29. 小康社会视角中的山东省乡镇居民体育行为研究

    Research on Sports Behavior of Villages and Towns ' Residents in Shandong Province from the Angle of Well-off Society

  30. 各种客观因素相互制约,与主观因素一起影响着35-55岁职业女性的休闲体育行为。

    Various objective factors restrict each other and influence middle-aged professional women 's leisure sports behavior together with subjective factors .