
  • 网络Super Yacht
  1. 卢克o哈勒敦是OneOceanVentures公司的客户咨询服务总监,这家公司主要向超级游艇买家提供一系列服务。

    Luc Khaldoun is the head of client advisory services at OneOcean Ventures , which provides a range of services for superyacht owners .

  2. 根据thesuperyachtgroup旗下superyachtintelligence的数据,本月初已订购和在建超级游艇的数量从2009年1月587艘的峰值,减少到了402艘。

    The number of superyachts ordered and under construction has fallen from a peak of 587 in January 2009 to 402 at the start of this month , according to superyacht intelligence , part of the superyacht group .

  3. 为《nautica》和《超级游艇》(superyacht)等杂志撰稿的安吉洛科隆波(angelocolombo)表示,中国公司正掀起一场“收购大潮”,目标是在2008-09年经济衰退中受创的意大利悠久品牌。

    Chinese companies are on " a heavy buying spree " , targeting historic Italian brands that have fallen victim to the 2008-09 recession , says Angelo Colombo , a writer for Nautica and superyacht magazines .

  4. 就连超级游艇和飞机都登上了这个名单。

    Even super yachts and high-speed aircraft have raced onto this list .

  5. 中国超级游艇市场虽然增速缓慢,但毕竟还是在增长。

    The superyacht market in China is growing , albeit very slowly .

  6. 超级游艇在中国遇冷的部分原因是中国的文化。

    In part , the lack of popularity is due to culture .

  7. 大部分超级游艇经销商和制造商都表示,他们只是在等待时机。

    Most superyacht brokers and builders say they are just biding their time .

  8. 但是,超级游艇业至今没有在中国赚到多少钱。

    But , the superyacht industry hasn 't caught on big in China .

  9. 这一未来主义风格设计是否预示着未来超级游艇将成为巨富们的新宠?

    Will this futuristic design signal the wave of the future for superyachts for the super-rich ?

  10. 要说哪个国家有很多富人能买得起超级游艇,那绝对是中国。

    If there is one country where many people can afford to superyacht , it 's China .

  11. 超级游艇没有成为中国精英的玩物,或许还有一些更加实际的原因。

    There are also some pragmatic reasons why superyachting hasn 't caught on with the Chinese elite .

  12. 但船主突然决定,他们不再需要那些昂贵花哨的新型视听娱乐系统来装备他们的超级游艇了。

    But owners suddenly decided they did not need that fancy new audiovisual entertainment system for their superyacht .

  13. 一般来说,每艘超级游艇都需要由一支专业团队来操作,单艘超级游艇的售价起码在600万美元以上。

    A superyacht - typically a private boat that requires a professional crew to operate - costs $ 6 million on up .

  14. 哈勒敦指出,中国客户貌似更加喜欢那种开放空间小的超级游艇,而且想限制在外面停留的时间。

    He noted that his Chinese clients seemed to prefer yachts with little open space and wanted to limit time spent outside .

  15. 根据官方定义,超级游艇指的是那些吃水线长度超过24米的豪华游脡。

    Superyachts are officially defined as boats whose hulls at the water line measure longer than 24 meters , or 79 feet .

  16. 商业内幕网采访了几名超级游艇的船员,他们透露说,经常天不亮就起床,半夜了还不能休息。

    Business Insider spoke with superyacht crew members who revealed they usually wake up before dawn and stay up through the middle of the night .

  17. 这艘富有创意的超级游艇是设计师洛阿诺和奈吉尔·吉智慧的结晶。它一开始只是印在餐巾上的粗糙的双桅纵帆船。

    The innovative superyacht was the brainchild of Lobanov Design and BMT Nigel Gee , and it began as a rough sketch on a napkin .

  18. 哈勒敦指出,中国客户貌似更加喜欢那种“开放空间小”的超级游艇,而且想“限制在外面停留的时间”。

    He noted that his Chinese clients seemed to prefer yachts with " little open space " and wanted to " limit time spent outside . "

  19. 新游艇和二手游艇,以及超级游艇超级游艇宽泛地定义为船身长度超过30米或100英尺的游艇的价格随着金融危机加剧而急剧下滑。

    Prices of new and second-hand yachts and superyachts a super-yacht is loosely defined as a boat more than 30m or 100ft long fell sharply as the financial crisis deepened .

  20. 不过,在经纪公司和租赁公司看来,超级游艇市场目前似乎在从今年最初两个月直线下滑的低谷复苏。

    Nevertheless , it now looks to brokers and Charterers as though the superyacht market is recovering from the low point it plumbed in the first two months of this year .

  21. 随着俄罗斯寡头在2008-2009年度股市崩盘后陷入破产边缘,画廊老板、时尚品牌、超级游艇经纪商和瑞士制表商都摒住了呼吸。

    As Russia 's oligarchs flirted with bankruptcy following the collapse of the stock market in 2008-2009 , gallery owners , fashion labels , super-yacht brokers and Swiss watchmakers all held their breath .

  22. 正如豪华住宅和私人喷气飞机市场一样,危机给每一个手握重金,希望购买或租赁超级游艇的人留下难得的机会。

    As in the markets for luxury homes and private jets , the crisis has thrown up rare opportunities for anyone with plenty of cash who wants to buy or charter a superyacht .

  23. 法拉帝也在扩大中国各地的经销商网络,并增加产品种类,从25英尺(7.6米)长、价格在几百万美元的游艇,到250英尺(76米)、售价超过1亿美元的超级游艇,都在其生产范围之内。

    Ferretti also is expanding dealerships across China and is producing more varieties of boats , from 25-foot crafts in the low-million-dollar range to 250-foot superyachts that sell for more than $ 100 million .

  24. 据《国际舟船》杂志报道,在十大超级游艇生产国中,中国目前排名第8位。另据奥克兰市政府的调查显示,中国目前年产超级游艇28艘,生产基地分别位于山东和广东。

    According to Boat International , China now ranks eighth in the top ten superyacht building nations , and 28 superyachts were constructed there in one year , mainly in Shandong and Guandong , according to the Auckland Government study .

  25. 根据奥克兰市政府在2013年所做的一项调查,全球现有的4836艘超级游艇中,只有34艘在中国,约占总数的0.7%。超级游艇在中国遇冷的部分原因是中国的文化。

    Just 34 - or 0.7 percent - of the world 's 4836 superyachts are based in China , according to a 2013 study by the Auckland Government . In part , the lack of popularity is due to culture .

  26. 但在中国,类似于南沙码头和一洋国际游艇俱乐部这样的游艇码头寥寥无几。此外,中国仍然缺少某些支持超级游艇的基础设施,比如修理厂。更不用说也没有像地中海那样美丽的海岸线。

    While China has a few key marinas like Nansha Marina in Guangzhou and Ocean One International Yacht Club , it still lacks some of the infrastructure to support superyachts , such as repair yards , as well as the Mediterranean 's pretty coastline .

  27. Wealth-X公司的数据显示,去年全球超级富豪花在游艇上的钱达到了220亿美元。

    Last year the ultra high net worth spent a combined $ 22 billion on yachts , according to data from Wealth-X.