
  • 网络Ferretti;Ferretti Yachts
  1. 法拉帝首席执行长费鲁乔•罗西(FerruccioRossi)说,这家意大利公司的中国股东非常投入,曾派出国际经验比老一辈更丰富的80后员工前往意大利负责这次收购。

    Ferretti Chief Executive Ferruccio Rossi said the Italian company 's Chinese owners have been very involved , sending workers who were born after 1980 and have more international experience than their older colleagues to Italy to oversee the acquisition .

  2. 法拉帝计划在巴西、印度和其他新兴市场扩张。

    Ferretti plans to expand in Brazil , India and other emerging markets .

  3. 从山东重工与法拉帝的联姻可以窥见这家国有企业的野心。

    The Ferretti marriage offers a glimpse at the ambitions of the state-owned Shandong Heavy .

  4. 中国市场约占法拉帝10%的销量,谭旭光计划在未来五到10年将这一比例扩大到三分之一。

    China accounts for 10 % of Ferretti 's sales , and Mr. Tan aims to expand that portion to one-third in the next five to 10 years .

  5. 法拉帝管理层曾表示该公司计划在香港开设一个销售基地,并在中国海南旅游中心三亚设立办事处。

    Ferretti executives have said the company plans to open a sales base in Hong Kong and offices in the Chinese tourism hub of Sanya on the South China Sea 's Hainan Island .

  6. 法拉帝那宗交易也与这一模式相符:在买下这家意大利公司后,山东重工获得了一个品牌,也获得了它希望带回中国的游艇制造技术。

    The Ferretti deal also fits this pattern : by buying the Italian company , Shandong has gained access to a brand and to yacht-building technology that it plans to bring back to China .

  7. 法拉帝也在扩大中国各地的经销商网络,并增加产品种类,从25英尺(7.6米)长、价格在几百万美元的游艇,到250英尺(76米)、售价超过1亿美元的超级游艇,都在其生产范围之内。

    Ferretti also is expanding dealerships across China and is producing more varieties of boats , from 25-foot crafts in the low-million-dollar range to 250-foot superyachts that sell for more than $ 100 million .

  8. 总部位于华东省份山东的山东重工在今年1月份同意通过1.78亿欧元(2.22亿美元)的股权投资和1.96亿欧元的信贷,换取游艇制造商法拉帝75%的股份。

    The company , based in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong , in January agreed to invest 178 million ( $ 222 million ) and to extend 196 million in credit to Ferretti in exchange for a 75 % stake in the yacht maker .