
  • 网络legal aid system;Legal Aid Scheme
  1. 法律援助制度应该面向更多人。

    The legal aid system should be accessible to more people

  2. 不断探索创新进一步完善法律援助制度

    Further Perfecting the Legal Aid System by Constant Exploration and Innovation

  3. 现代法律援助制度充分体现着国家责任。

    The contemporary legal aid system fully reflects the state responsibility .

  4. 美国法律援助制度简介

    Brief Introduction to the Legal Aid System of the United States

  5. 中国法律援助制度的雏形基本形成

    Embryonic Form of China 's Legal Aid System Initially Takes Shape

  6. 论健全我国法律援助制度

    On the Perfection of the Institution of Legal Aid in China

  7. 关于我国法律援助制度建设进程的思考

    Meditations on the Constructing Process of Legal Aid System in China

  8. 中国法律援助制度的现状及其完善

    The Present Situation and the Improvement of Legal Aid System in China

  9. 法律援助制度。政府审计职责法律制度的实证分析

    Law Office . Empirical analysis of legal system of government audit responsibility

  10. 构建基层法律援助制度的思考

    Reflections on the Establishment of a Local Legal Aid System

  11. 加拿大安大略省法律援助制度概览

    An Overview to the System of Legal Aid in Ontario , Canada

  12. 进一步完善法律援助制度;

    Secondly , we should consummate our legal aid system .

  13. 律师法律援助制度刍议

    On the System of the Legal Aids by Lawyers

  14. 法律援助制度的发展情况在很大程度上取决于法律援助经费。

    The development of legal aid system largely depends on legal aid funds .

  15. 第三部分为刑事法律援助制度的历史分析与比较研究。

    The third part is the history analysis and relatively study of CLAS .

  16. 被害人法律援助制度探究

    Research into the System of Legal Aid of Victims

  17. 论人本观在法律援助制度实施中的实现

    On the Realization of Humanism Concept in the Implementation of Legal Aid System

  18. 中国的法律援助制度

    The Development of China 's Legal Aid System

  19. 然而,司法鉴定法律援助制度的出现在某种程度上解决了这一问题。

    But the system of forensic legal aid solves the problem to some extent .

  20. 法律援助制度是人类法制文明和法律文化发展到一定阶段的必然产物。

    Legal Aid is an inevitable result of legal system and legal culture development .

  21. 法律援助制度是一国法律制度中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

    Legal aid has become an indispensable part of a country 's legal system .

  22. 我国未成年人刑事法律援助制度研究

    Study on Criminal Legal Aid for Minors System

  23. 我国目前已建立法律援助制度,但并未形成现代法律援助制度。

    China has established legal aid system but has not established modern legal aid system .

  24. 现代法律援助制度中的国家责任

    State Responsibility of Modern Law Aid System

  25. 建立法律援助制度是现代法治国家的本质要求。

    Establishing legal aid system is the essential requirement of modern states ruled by law .

  26. 未成年人刑事指定辩护是刑事法律援助制度中的重中之重。

    Criminal appointed defense for Juvenile is a criminal legal aid system in the top priority .

  27. 确立法律援助制度的三个基础

    The foundation of legal aid system

  28. 第一部分对刑事法律援助制度作了概括说明。

    The first section is a concise explanation of the criminal legal aid from a comparative perspective .

  29. 但由于起步晚,我国的刑事法律援助制度在较快发展的同时,不可避免地存在着不完善之处,实践中也遇到了一些问题。

    However , due to the later development , there are many problems in the legislation and the practice .

  30. 试述服务性理念视野下法律援助制度之本土化研究

    A Description of Researches in the Localization of Legal Aid System from the Perspective of the Nature of Service