
  • 网络pretrial conference
  1. 最后,庭前会议是一个程序承载平台,某些具体程序或制度以庭前会议为程序载体,即以庭前会议的形式去进行。

    Finally , pretrial conference is a plat-form which can carry some specific procedures or systems .

  2. 通过减少诉讼成本和优化诉讼资源配置两种效率机制,庭前会议能够实现程序性事项和部分实体性问题的集中前置解决和整理。

    By reducing the costs and optimizing the allocation of the re-sources , pretrial conference can pre-settle the procedural and substantive issues .

  3. 在仲裁过程中,仲裁庭认为必要时可以发布程序令、发出问题单、举行庭前会议、召开预备庭、制作审理范围书等。

    During the process of arbitration proceedings , the arbitration tribunal may issue procedural orders , send out questionnaires , hold meetings before hearing , convene preliminary hearings , draw up terms of reference , etc.