
  • 网络Debate principle;adversary doctrine;Verhandlungsgrundsatz
  1. 论民事诉讼辩论原则改造的必要性

    Necessity of Reform for Adversary Doctrine in Civil Action

  2. 现行立法及有关论著中对民事诉讼辩论原则内涵的界定存在缺陷,应当改造。

    It exists defects in defining the connotation of adversary doctrine in legislation and pertinent treatises in force should be reformed .

  3. 论民事诉讼中辩论原则的完善

    On Perfecting Debate Principle of Civil Procedure of Our Country

  4. 我国民事诉讼辩论原则的缺陷及其完善

    Defects and Perfection of China 's Principles of Debate in Civil Litigation

  5. 论辩论原则改造的理论基础

    On Theoretical Bases of the Innovation of Argument principle

  6. 处分权原则和辩论原则在我国行政诉讼中的适用性

    On Applicability of Disposition Principle and Adversary Principle in Administrative Procedure in China

  7. 法官心证形成的过程以辩论原则加以保障;法官判断证据的基础是经验和逻辑;

    Judges should conform to logic and experiences ;

  8. 民事诉讼辩论原则论

    The Principle of Debate on Civil Action

  9. 平等原则;辩论原则;

    The principle of equality ;

  10. 如何通过完善议会程序来保障议会自由平等的辩论原则是当今议会制度面临的主要问题。

    It is of great significance how to guarantee the principle of debating freely and equally through perfecting the procedure of parliament .

  11. 庭审的质证原则主要包括权利对等原则、质证必要原则、法官居中原则、适时质疑原则、质疑合理原则和辩论原则。

    The principles of interrogation during court hearing include the rules of reciprocity rights , necessity , juror impartiality , being timely , debate etc.

  12. 我国的辩论原则与真正的辩论主义原则尚有很大的距离:程序的独立价值被否定,程序公正不能实现。

    In fact , China 's principle of debate is far from a genuine one : the independence of procedure is negated and procedural fair cannot be realized .

  13. 无论是法官还是当事人,都无法自觉意识到对抗制的核心是辩论原则,即使是重要的最后陈述环节,也常常流于形式。

    Neither the judge nor the participants , cannot consciously be aware that the core of the adversarial system is the principle of debate ; accordingly the important last statements often are a formalization .

  14. 在刑事审判原则体系中具有重要地位,是审判公开原则、集中审理原则、辩论原则赖以发生作用并体现其价值的前提,是刑事审判阶段的核心原则。

    Important in the system of criminal trial principles , the Principle is the core principle in criminal trial stage and the basis of the Public Trial Principle , Combined Trial Principle and Debating Principle .

  15. 质疑抗辩原则包括平等对抗原则、辩论原则和质疑原则,体现了程序正义、实体正义和效率等现代司法价值,应该成为我国庭审质证活动的基本原则。

    The challenge and defense principle , including the principle of equal opposition , the principle of debate and the principle of challenge , embodies such modern judicial values as procedural justice , substantive justice and efficiency .

  16. 自认,是以当事人意志约束法院认定事实的重要制度,在辩论主义原则下发挥着重要作用。

    Self-admission which is based on the will of the parties to bind the court finding the facts , and plays a significant role under the principle of debate .

  17. 辩论主义原则是自认制度的法理基础,当事人的处分权为自认提供了保障,而诚实信用原则从道德规范角度促生了自认制度。

    The debate principles are the legal basis of self-admission system . The disciplinary right of the parties provides security for the self-admission system . Honesty and credit principle is ethics of the system .

  18. 因为审判过程如完全拘泥于辩论主义这一原则,使法官完全成为旁听者的角色,将会导致诉讼程序僵化而不流畅。

    Since the trial process such as the debate completely and rigidly adhere to this principle , so that judges do not become a role as observers , will lead the proceedings rather than rigid smooth .

  19. 汉语大专辩论赛中自由辩论对合作原则各准则违反的研究

    A Study of Non-observance of the Maxims of Cooperative Principle in ' Free Debate ' in Intercollegiate Chinese Debate Contest