
xínɡ shì sù sònɡ fǎ diǎn
  • code of criminal procedure;criminal procedure code
  1. 第一部刑事诉讼法典是在1861年颁布的。

    The first Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 1861 .

  2. 从我国第一部刑事诉讼法典出台至今,已将近三十年。

    From our country issued the first Code of Criminal Procedure has been nearly three decades .

  3. 刑事诉讼法典框架结构比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Frameworks And Structures of Criminal Procedure Codes

  4. 世界上其他国家的刑事诉讼法典亦无将基本原则明示且单列为一章的先例。

    Nor could we see any criminal procedural code in any other country that sets basic principles of criminal proceedings in one chapter .

  5. 因此,在新的刑事诉讼法典中我们不应废除自诉制度,而应对其予以修改和完善。

    Therefore , the system of initiative private suit should not be abolished in the new criminal procedure code , but be revised and perfected .

  6. 如果从刑事诉讼法典中的规定来看,刑事诉讼平等只是适用法律平等,学术界对刑事诉讼平等是否包括立法平等存在争论。

    Judging from the prescription of criminal procedures code , criminal procedure equality only means applying laws equally . In academic circles exists argument about whether criminal procedure equality includes legislation equality .

  7. 首先对大陆法系职权主义国家的代表&法国的程序性辩护进行了考察,法国的刑事诉讼法典中对程序性辩护规定了法定无效和实质无效两种情形。

    Firstly , it inspected the procedural defense of civil law countries ' representative & France . There were legal invalid and substantial invalid situations of procedural defense stipulated in the French Criminal Law .

  8. 比较主要成文法国家和地区刑事诉讼法典的框架结构,分析影响刑事诉讼法典框架结构的一些因素,有助于我国《刑事诉讼法》再修改的框架结构的确立。

    A comparative study of the frameworks and structures of the principal statutory law countries or districts and an analysis of some factors that affect them are conducive to ascertainment of the framework and structure for China 's criminal procedure law that it is under re - amendment .

  9. 我国法学界对沉默权相关问题的探讨始于第一次修改刑事诉讼法法典之前。

    Of our jurisprudence on Silent began first to modify the Code of Criminal Procedure Code .

  10. 刑事诉讼法(法典)国际军事刑法和战争法学会

    International Society of Penal Military Law and Law of War

  11. 我国刑法典首次对环境犯罪作了系统、体的规定。刑事诉讼法(法典)

    Environmental Crime was firstly stipulated in Penal Code of our country systematically .

  12. 联邦刑事诉讼法(法典)民事[刑事]诉讼法

    The code of civil [ criminal ] procedure

  13. 略论海事诉讼时效协议延长的法律效力联邦刑事诉讼法(法典)

    A Brief Comment on the Legal Effect of Lawsuit Timeliness Agreement Extension of Maritime Affairs ;

  14. 在刑事诉讼中西夏法典明确规定对刑讯逼供加以一定的限制,规定人犯患病、怀孕可以申请保外就医。

    Tangut law explicitly provides limitations on the practice of inquisition by torture in criminal proceedings ; it also stipulates that prisoners who are sick and female prisoners who are pregnant may apply for medical parole .

  15. 论我国《刑事诉讼法》的法典化

    On the Codification of Chinas Criminal Procedure Law