
  1. 翻供,是近年来刑事司法活动中比较突出的一个问题。

    Withdrawn confession is an outstanding problem in the criminal judicature activities in recent years .

  2. 矫正属于刑事司法活动的一个子系统,直接关系到刑罚目的的实现。

    The correction is a sub-system of a criminal judicature , directly relating to the realization of the penalty goal .

  3. 刑法司法解释是我国司法机关就刑法规范的适用问题所作的阐明,在刑事司法活动中具有重要的地位。

    Criminal judicial interpretation is the explanation made by the judicial body in our country to the application of criminal norms .

  4. “测谎仪”以特殊作用机理在刑事司法活动中发挥着重要的作用。

    Due to the special mechanism , lie detectors are playing a very important role in the activities of criminal judicature .

  5. 量刑是国家行使刑罚裁量权的行为,是刑事司法活动的重要内容。

    Sentencing is action by the State to exercise power of discretion , constituting an important part of criminal judicial activities .

  6. 量刑作为刑事司法活动的基本环节之一,其规范性对于司法公正来说具有非常重要的意义。

    Sentencing is one of the basic parts in criminal judicial activities , it is very important for the judicial justice .

  7. 公诉裁量权作为承担公诉职能的检察机关的一项重要权力,在现今刑事司法活动中愈加显示出重要的作用。

    Public prosecution jurisdiction is responsible for prosecuting functions of Prosecutor in the criminal justice activities in one of the major powers .

  8. 刑罚执行是刑事司法活动的最后一道工序,狱政管理是这道工序的组成部分,而且是最基础的工作。

    Execution of punishment is the last procedure of criminal judicature , while the prison management is the most basic component of it .

  9. 罚则是刑法规范不可缺少的组成部分,也是刑事司法活动的重要依据。

    Punishment criterion are not only an integral part of the criminal criterion , but also an important basis for criminal justice activities .

  10. 社会变革过程中,政党和国家会通过政策形式引导、调控刑事司法活动及其改革。

    In the reform process , the state and political party will use the criminal policy to regulate the legal activity and legal reform .

  11. 刑法司法解释是刑事司法活动的重要内容,从我国目前的刑事司法体制看主要包括规范性刑法司法解释和个别性刑法司法解释。

    The criminal judicial interpretation is the important content of the criminal judicial actions , which includes normative criminal interpretation and specific criminal interpretation .

  12. 回溯推理及其在刑事司法活动中的运用(指法律、支付关系等)溯及既往的,有追溯效力的

    Reductive Inference and Its Application in Penal Judicial Activities ( of laws , payments , etc ) applying to the past as well as the future ; retroactive

  13. 本文从正当防卫构成的视角,对正当防卫若干问题进行了探索,以便科学地指导刑事司法活动。

    The author makes a thorough study of several questions of justifiable defence from the requisite of justifiable defence in order to guide the Criminal judicial activity scientifically .

  14. 在刑事司法活动中,正确认定和处理涉案财产意义重大,关系到公民财产权利的保护。

    In the criminal justice activities , it is significant to identify and handle property involved in a case correctly , which related to the protection of civil property rights .

  15. 在刑事司法活动中,刑事辨认是一种有效的查明案件事实的方法,但也是一种很容易导致错判的证据调查措施。

    In the criminal justice activities , identify is an effective method to ascertain the facts of the case . But it is also a evidence investigative measures that easily lead to erroneous judgment .

  16. 在刑事司法活动过程中,检察官对量刑建议权的内涵与外延范畴的理解以及如何运用量刑建议权,也是众说纷纭。

    In the process of criminal judicial activities , prosecutors ' understanding to the connotation and the extension of sentencing recommendation , as well as how to use the power of sentencing recommendations , are divergent .

  17. 因此为了有效的解决刑事司法活动的发展与民意的矛盾,为了有效的实现刑事司法活动的目标,在刑事司法活动中应当对民意予以适当的考虑。

    In order to effectively solve the contradiction between the development of criminal justice activities and public opinion and target practice of criminal justice activities , in criminal justice activities should pay due consideration to public opinion .

  18. 刑法规范表达的妥当性是刑事司法活动在不逾越刑法基本原则的前提下实现刑法调控社会功能的制度性保障;

    The appropriateness of the expression of criminal norm is an institutional guarantee for the realization of social regulatory function of the criminal law under the condition that criminal justice activities do not depart from the basic principles of the criminal law .

  19. 并借鉴罗尔斯三种程序正义的类分法,分析刑事司法活动(尤其是刑事审判)是一种不完全的程序正义,而不是一种纯粹的程序正义。

    Based on classification of three kinds of procedural justices proposed by Professor Rawls , this chapter points out that criminal justice ( especially criminal adjudication ) is actually a kind of incomplete procedural justice , and it is not a kind of pure procedural justice .

  20. 作为一种新型的刑事司法实践活动,我国的恢复性司法实践虽然与世界范围内的恢复性司法运动有相似之处,但在许多方面也表现出了独具特色的本土特征。

    As a new judicial practice , although the practice of the Restorative Justice in China is similar to the practice around the world , it still shows native characteristics in some aspects .

  21. 我国侦查程序制度设置上就存在硬伤,致使在我国刑事司法实践活动中暴力取证、刑讯逼供、超期羁押等现象屡禁不止。

    In china , Investigation procedure system is set on the existence of flawed , resulting in practice in our criminal justice evidence of violence , torture , phenomena such as extended detention despite repeated prohibition .

  22. 为维护刑事司法的正常活动秩序,更有效地打击赃物犯罪,《刑法修正案(六)》对刑法中有关赃物犯罪的规定作了修改。

    Due to maintain the criminal justice system and strike crimes of stolen goods more efficiently , the sixth amendment of criminal law made such adjustments .

  23. 刑罚执行是刑事立法与司法活动的最终结果,也是刑罚运作和实现的重要环节。

    The execution of punishment is not only the final goal of criminal legislation and judicial activity but also a key link of the enforcement of criminal laws .

  24. 刑法适用是法官运用刑法规范处理刑事案件的司法活动,刑法适用的目的是得出合法、合理、客观的刑事判决。

    The application of criminal law is some judicial activities , which judges deal with criminal cases with criminal law rules , aim at obtaining some legal , reasonable and objective judgments .

  25. 其次,从其条约结构上看,《罗马规约》是一个统一的规范体系,包含有关国际刑事法院及其司法活动的组织规范、实体规范和程序规范。

    Secondly , the Rome Statute is a unified system of norms from the perspective of its legislation structure , including the institutional norms , substantial norms and procedural norms in relation to the ICC and its judicial activity .

  26. 刑事侦查作为刑事司法活动的重要组成部分,也必然追求公正与效率。

    The criminal investigation as the important part of the criminal judicature activity , also inevitably pursues justice and efficiency .

  27. 刑事审判公正是对刑事司法活动的理性和理想要求,包括刑事程序公正和刑事结果公正,其核心是程序公正。

    Criminal trial fair is the ideal claim of criminal judicial powers . It includes criminal procedure fair and criminal result fair , The core is criminal procedure fair .

  28. 国际刑事司法协助形式是指开展国际刑事司法协助活动中所使用的具体措施和方法,它是相对于国际刑事司法协助原则、管辖等而言的概念。

    The forms of international judicial assistance in criminal matters refer to the specific measures and methods used in international judicial assistance in criminal matters . It is a relative concept to the principle and jurisdiction of international judicial assistance in criminal matters .

  29. 程序失灵是指由于刑事诉讼程序规范自身的原因导致的在刑事司法活动中不能够有效公正地解决刑事纠纷。

    Procedure failure is the criminal procedure due to itself causes activity in the criminal justice can not be effective and fair settlement of criminal disputes .

  30. 作为迄今最为成熟的国际刑事法典,《罗马规约》通过国际刑事法院的司法活动和缔约国的司法合作得以实践化。

    As the most sophisticated international criminal code , the Rome Statute has been put into practice through judicial activities of the ICC and judicial cooperation from contracting states .