
xínɡ fǎ jiě shì
  • interpretation of criminal law
  1. 刑法解释的基本思想及主体

    Studies on the Basic Theory and Subject of the Interpretation of Criminal Law

  2. 刑法解释的常识化

    The Common Sense in the Interpretation of Criminal Law

  3. 刑法解释方法的运用规则探析

    On the Rule of Applying of Methods of Criminal Law Analysis

  4. 温和的司法能动主义&刑法解释的一种可能路径

    Moderate Judicial Activism : A Possible Pathway for Criminal Law Interpretation

  5. 刑法解释与证明责任具有一种值得玩味的契合关系。

    Criminal law explanation and proof responsibilities are a matter of harmony .

  6. 狭义刑法解释若干问题探析

    Probe into the Problems of Narrow Explanation of Criminal Law

  7. 第一部分,刑法解释的观念。

    Part one is comment and analysis of concept of interpretation of criminal law .

  8. 论犯罪客体之指称意义&以刑法解释为视角的分析

    The Alleged Significance for the Object of Crime

  9. 目前的刑法解释存在许多问题,应该引起重视。

    We should pay more attention to the problems of the present interpretation system .

  10. 论刑法解释目标的理论基础与现实抉择

    On the Theoretical Foundation and Realistic Choice of the Aim of Criminal Law Interpretation

  11. 刑法解释的主体

    The Subject of Interpretation of Criminal Law

  12. 很多时候,立场决定了我们怎样做出一个具体的刑法解释,但也不尽然。

    The stand always determines how we make a specific interpretation , but not absolutely .

  13. 论刑法解释中的词义分析法

    Semantic Analysis Methods in Criminal Law Interpretation

  14. 论刑法解释中的利益相关性

    Relevance of Interests in Criminal Law Interpretations

  15. 对刑法解释的反思

    Reflection upon the Interpretation of Criminal Laws

  16. 论刑法解释的若干问题

    On Some Problems of Criminal Law Interpretation

  17. 实质刑法解释合理实现的程序性论证规则质疑立法解释&兼为法律解释正名

    Procedural Comments : A Proper Guarantee for Substantive Interpretation of Criminal Law Query the legislation explanation

  18. 从许霆案看我国刑法解释权的分配

    Research on Distribution Pattern of Interpretation Power of Criminal Law from " Xu Ting Case "

  19. 网络时代,刑法解释面临新的挑战。

    Now in the Network era , the criminal law is being faced with a new challenge .

  20. 并且刑法解释主体应当成为刑法解释概念的一部分;

    And moreover , the subject should be a part of the concept of criminal law interpretation ;

  21. 从刑法解释方法及规则角度来分析,否定说更有其合理性。

    Analyzed from the interpretation methods of criminal law and rules , the negative theory is more reasonable .

  22. 刑法解释的目标是获得最合法且合理的解释结论。

    The goal of criminal law interpretation is to get the most legitimate and reasonable interpretation for the conclusions .

  23. 刑法解释与刑事诉讼构造是运用刑法解决刑事案件过程中两个必然涉及的问题,两者之间也存在相互影响关系。

    They are two musts in using criminal law to process criminal cases and there is an interaction between them .

  24. 也即,经济犯罪的刑法解释,并非独立于刑法解释的体系。

    In other words , interpretation of economic crimes should not be independent of the interpretative systems of criminal law .

  25. 在进行刑法解释时,应当遵循相对客观性、合法性和合理性三原则。

    When making the interpretation of criminal law , we should obey three principles : relative subjectivity 、 legitimacy and rationality .

  26. 刑法解释的立场应不同于民法解释,刑法解释中形式合理性更具意义,应采主观说为主、客观说为辅。

    We should keep the rationality of formulation while interpreting the criminal law , we should adopt subjectivism more than objectivism .

  27. 从罪刑法定原则的形式侧面和实质侧面阐述了刑法解释应该是形式和实质的融合。

    Discusses that the integration of form and substance between the form side and the substantial side of Principle of Legality .

  28. 刑法解释发生于法律适用之中,刑法解释与法律适用密不可分。

    Interpretation of Criminal Law occurred in the application of the law , which is inseparable with the application of law .

  29. 正当的刑法解释需在刑事法律适用中依据一定的解释技术和方法,体现价值上的选择和平衡。

    Proper interpretation of the Penal Code must apply in technical and methodological interpretation , reflecting the selection value and balance .

  30. 刑法解释方法一直是刑法解释学中的核心课题。

    The judicial interpretation method of criminal law is the issue questions in the science of the interpretation of criminal law .