
  • 网络Death with Dignity
  1. 从性质来看,尊严死并非求死权,而是一种死亡方式选择权。

    From the view of nature , death with dignity is not right to die , but a choice of death manner .

  2. 分析的落脚点是最具争议性也最引人关注的适用问题,即推定的承诺在医疗行为中的适用以及在特别医疗行为尊严死中的适用。

    Analysis of the end-result is the most controversial and most concern issues , the appliance of the presumptive consent in the medical acts as well as in special medical treatment , Death With Dignity .

  3. 安乐死与尊严死,是两个近似但适用对象截然不同的法律问题,有必要以不同的法律机制分而治之。

    It is necessary to separate " euthanasia " and " dignity death " and regulate them with different legal mechanisms because they are two similar problems with different regulative objects .

  4. 尊严死不具有社会危害性,体现了人道主义精神,有利于生命质量的优化,有利于资源的合理配置,因此,尊严死具有正当性。

    Death with dignity will not have any social harmfulness ; it reflects the humanitarian spirit and optimizes the quality of life and rational allocation of resources . Thus , death with dignity is a rightness claim .

  5. 在尊严死与安乐死的关系上,两者都是为了维护患者的生命尊严,都产生了患者死亡的结果,都是由具有法律授权的人实施的。

    As for the relationship between death with dignity and euthanasia , they have safeguard the dignity of life of patients , have produced a result of death in patients , have implement by a person who authorized by law .

  6. 生的时候要有尊严,死也要死得有尊严。

    One should live with dignity and die with dignity .

  7. 我们可以活得有尊严但不能死的有尊严。

    We live with dignity we can 't die with it .