
fānɡ duì
  • square formation
  1. 当仪仗方队经过主席台时,观众席上一片欢呼。

    People cheered when the guard of honor walked past the platform .

  2. 公用事件服务器方队列重新启动;一些事件可能已经丢失

    Common event server-side queue restarted ; some events may have been missed

  3. 公用事件服务器方队列已暂停(原因:该队列已满)

    Common event server-side queue paused ( reason : The queue is full )

  4. 受阅方队按照社交距离规定进行安置,同时受阅车辆也进行了消毒处理。

    Formations were arranged under social distancing rules , while vehicles underwent a thorough disinfection sweep .

  5. 民兵方队政委史连雪说,在今年的阅兵中,民兵成员经历了艰苦的训练。

    Political Commissar Shi Lianxue of the militia division for this year 's military parade says militia members have trained hard .

  6. 在为即将到来的国庆庆祝活动进行训练的士兵方队中,头戴蓝色贝雷帽的维和部队方队显得尤为醒目。

    Among rows of soldiers who are training for the upcoming National Day celebration , a group of peacekeepers with their unique blue berets .

  7. 徐有泽是维和部队方队将军领队兼陆军81集团军副军长。

    Xu Youze is the peacekeeping formation leader and deputy commander of the 81th Army Group of the People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) .

  8. 来自江西省的持枪方队战士高腾说:我们心里有一种为祖国奉献一切的信念,这种信念让我们能够忍受这些艰苦。

    " The wishes in our hearts to sacrifice for our motherland enable us to endure the hardship ," said Gao Teng , a machine-gun toting soldier from Jiangxi province .

  9. 最出彩的莫过于最后出场的女民兵方队了,粉红的军装,雪白的长靴,万绿丛中一点红。

    Most loses face the nothing better than enters the stage finally female militiaman regiment , flesh color military uniform , snow white boots , red flower on a backdrop of greenery .

  10. 国庆50周年庆典上,当数千人组成的彩旗方队昂然走过检阅台的时候,天福人自豪地宣扬:看吧,那五彩缤纷的彩旗杆是我们生产的。

    On the celebration of50 years of nation built , when thousands of people passed the review platform , Tianfu people proudly declare : look , those colorful flag poles are made by us !

  11. 当数十个方队以饱满的精神、整齐的步伐,面带自信的微笑,高喊着嘹亮的口号,从检阅台走过时,看台这边迎接他们的是校领导和老师们殷切的目光和一阵阵热烈的掌声。

    With full spirit , orderly march , and confident smile on their faces , tens of S-bands went by the reviewing stand , shouting loud and clear slogans . The leaders and teachers of the college sent them an ardent look and they also received a burst of applause .