
  1. 至于医药及方士之学,由于文献不足,且不是《庄子》养生思想的主要来源,论述稍略。

    As for the science of medicine and Fang Shi , inadequate documentation , and not main source of health ideological in " Zhuangzi ", discussed slightly abbreviated .

  2. 据园方动物学主任提姆·博兹透露,这个“粉红色的小东西”(指这只熊猫宝宝)在出生时发出了一声非常嘹亮的叫声。

    The cub , described as " a little pink sausage , " gave a loud squeal as it was born , according to the park 's zoological director Tim Bouts .

  3. 颁奖仪式在哈佛大学桑德斯剧院举行,主办方科学幽默杂志《不可思议研究年报》颁发了10个滑稽的诺贝尔奖项,这是日本人连续第九年获得搞笑诺贝尔奖。

    The award ceremony - which the science humour magazine " Annals of Improbable Research " gives in 10 categories as a parody of the Nobel Prizes - was held at Harvard University 's Sanders Theatre . It was the ninth straight year for an Ig Nobel prize to go to Japanese recipients .

  4. 坐衬零件材料及其制造工艺痔科外洗方的药效学研究

    Research on Sitz Lining Part Material Pharmacodynamic Study on Medicament for Sitz Bath for Hemorrhoid Diseases

  5. 痔科外洗方的药效学研究正交试验法对黄连袋泡剂质量的考察

    Pharmacodynamic Study on Medicament for Sitz Bath for Hemorrhoid Diseases Examination on the Quality of Coptis Pack Medicament by Undergoing the Positive Crossed Test

  6. 在偏利共生关系的产学研联盟中,分别建立以产方和以学研方为主导的博弈模型,讨论了不同主导方对联盟知识转移的影响。

    In Industry-University-Research alliance of commensalism relationship , we establish game model with Industry and University-Research party as the leading respectively , and discuss the different leading alliance party how to the influent the knowledge transfer process .

  7. 针对MAV飞行控制器特点,研究了飞行控制器在回路的数学仿真和半实物仿真方国防科技人学研究生院学位论文法,建立了MA入/飞行控制器仿真验证平台框架。

    Considering characteristics of MAV flight controller , method of both mathematic simulation and hardware in the loop simulation is studied . Framework of simulation validation platform for MAV flight controller is also built .

  8. 论《千金方》对推拿学的贡献盘活一天中的金餐

    Discussion on the contribution of Thousand Golden Prescriptions to the art of tuina

  9. 冠心二号方对血液流变学性影响

    Effect of guan xin no.2 combination herb on hemorheology

  10. 然而,安神去痛方的现代制剂学研究尚未进行。

    However , there was not any study on its modern preparation technology .

  11. 浅述《肘后备急方》及其外科学成就

    Zhouhou Emergency Prescriptions and Its Achievements in Surgery

  12. 本文以中国的青花瓷为研究对象,从东西方语言学、色彩学和东西方艺术三个角度,分析东西方文化交流中青花瓷对西方文化产生的影响。

    This article take the blue and white wares as the subject of study , analyzing the impact that the porcelain has on the western culture in the communication of the oriental and occidental culture .

  13. 光镜结果显示:内毒素组肝窦扩张,肝细胞嗜酸性变及坏死,汇管区见炎性细胞浸润,解毒化瘀方组肝组织学病变明显好转。

    The optical microscope results manifested : after endotoxin , Hepatic sinusoid extended , hepatocyte was mutation and dead , the inflammation cell appeared in portal area , and the pathological changes of the liver histology had obviously improved in Jie Du Hua Yu Fang groups .

  14. 在教学中,一方是教师的教,另一方是学生的学。

    In the teaching , a side is teachers ' teaching , another side is the students ' study .