
jiǎn běn
  • abridged edition;simplified edition
简本 [jiǎn běn]
  • [simplified edition] 比原著在内容、文字等方面比较简单或简略的版本

简本[jiǎn běn]
  1. 您还可以使用用于Unix到Windows移植的命令行级别的基于REST的脚本,并且使其适应VisualPerl环境,这取决于简本的复杂性。

    You can also use command-level Perl for a Unix-to-Windows migration of a REST-based Perl script and adapt it to the Visual Perl environment , depending on the complexity of the script .

  2. 方法以200名高三学生为被试,施测负面评价恐惧量表简本(FNE)和考试焦虑量表(TAS)。

    Methods A sample of 200 senior students was administrated with FNE ( fear of negative evaluation ) and ACEE ( anxiety of college entrance examination ) .

  3. 简本英文小说的阅读在高中英语写作教学中的应用

    The Application of the Adapted English Novels in High School 's Writing Course

  4. 第一章为引言,主要简本研究研究背景,意义及论文整体框架。

    Chapter one introduces the research background , the purpose and significance and the thesis structure .

  5. 考古学家根据墓葬的年代,判断竹简本的成书不会晚于公元前278年。

    According to the age of the grave , archaeologists determined that these slips could be dated prior to278 BCE .

  6. 借助竹简本,我们得以重新认识先秦道家与儒家、法家等学派之间的关系。

    With the bamboo this , we have been able to re-understanding of the relationship between Taoism of ancient Confucianism and Legalism School .

  7. 目前《文子》主要有两个文本系统,一个是河北定州八角廊汉墓出土的竹简残本《文子》(简称竹简本),另一个是传世本《文子》。

    WENZI mainly has two important edition systems , one is the Unearthed Bamboo Slip WENZI at the Bajiaolang , the other is the Presenting Edition WENZI .

  8. 本文发掘内证,阐述郭店竹简本《老子》“德”的含义既有人伦,更有物理,是一个本体化、物化了的概念。

    By exploring the internal evidence of Guodian Lao-zi , this article points out that its idea of'virtue'implies both morality and physics , and is an ontologized and concrete .

  9. 一句与今本《论语》在文字上就有差异,笔者认为竹简本中此句当属《鲁论》,逾应理解成超过、超出的意思,这种理解是与孔子思想相符的。

    The author thinks that the sentence in the handwritten copy of bamboo-slip Analects belongs to Lu-State Analects , the meaning of Yu should be Surpass , and this kind of comprehension conforms to the thought of Confucius .