
  1. 想找个安静的地方,简单爱你

    If loving you is wrong , I don 't wanna be right

  2. 简单爱,简单被爱,寻找一个简单的爱人!

    Simple love , simply be loved ! Look for a simple lover !

  3. 但是拥有完美简单爱的时候吗?

    But a perfect simple kind of loving ?

  4. 简单爱,居住于蔚蓝色的海洋

    Simple Love , Living by the Blue Ocean

  5. 妈妈们真正想要的也许只是孩子们简单的爱的表达。

    What mothers truly want is perhaps just a simple expression of love from their children .

  6. 多希望我也能拥有这样一份简单的爱。

    I hope I 've had a simple love like that .

  7. 这不是一个简单的爱字,所能描述。

    This is not a simple love character , can describe .

  8. 就是这么简单,爱一个金牛座。

    It 's so easy to love a Taurus .

  9. 生活就是简单,爱就是实在。

    Life is simple , Love is real .

  10. 原来这才叫‘爱’,简单的爱,是我们想多了!

    Originally then calls the love , the simple love , was we want !

  11. 但仅仅这简单的爱字。

    But the simple word love itself .

  12. 另一场意外而又简单的爱�

    One more casualty of easy love

  13. 这并不主要意味着你们之间的性吸引,而是标志着单纯而简单的爱。

    It does not primarily indicate a sexual relationship ; instead it signifies love , pure and simple .

  14. 多简单多有爱,真好玩

    Simple . So cute . How fun !

  15. 这问题很简单,你爱不爱他嘛?

    Well , it 's a simple question . Do you love the guy or not ?

  16. 我们忘记了简单才是爱,当你不知道为什么爱的时候,那才是真正的爱。

    We ignore that love is simple and it 's real love when you don 't know why you love .

  17. 这真的很简单,选择爱&扬升,但你们许多人把事情过分复杂化。

    It is quite simple really , choose love and ascend , and yet so many of you try to overcomplicate things .

  18. 当被问到有没有什么地方是总会待上“一阵子的”,村上则用英文答道:“这个问题简单。和爱的人一起在床上。不然还能是哪儿呢?”

    And asked if he had any places where he stayed " for a while , " Murakami replied in English : " An easy question . In the bed with someone I love . Where else ? "

  19. 从前有个国王,他有三个儿子。老大和老二聪明伶俐,小儿子却头脑简单,不爱说话,人们管他叫「缺心眼」。

    Once upon a time there was a king who had three sons , two of whom were clever and intelligent , but the third one did not talk very much , was simple minded , and the only name they gave him was the Simpleton .

  20. 简单但强大的爱之歌转社会赞歌。

    Simple , but powerful love song turned social anthem .

  21. 其实很简单:杰克用爱创造了奇迹。

    It 's simple : My dog Jake worked miracles with his love .

  22. 幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱;有事做;有所期待。

    Being happy is really easy-Loved by someone , having things to do and expectation .

  23. 对了,找我很简单,只要有爱的地方就有我。

    By the way , I 'm easy to find , I am wherever there is love .

  24. 相爱简单,但让爱的火焰持续燃烧却难。

    It is easy to fell in love but difficult to keep the flames of love burning .

  25. 崇尚简单快乐,对爱有着自己的执着和向往,对幸福有着自己的理解和追求。

    Emphasize in brief happy , have to the love to persist and look forward to only , have an own comprehension and pursue to the happiness .

  26. 也正因如此,对于品酒,他的建议很简单:喝自己爱的酒,让别人说去吧。

    For that reason , he has one simple recommendation : Enjoy what you enjoy , and don 't worry about what the other guy is savoring .

  27. 2003年出版的小说《爱》,则直接以简单的一个爱字为标题,探讨后民权时代美国黑人内部爱的异化问题。

    Love , published in 2003 , with only one simple word " love " as the title , probes into the distorted love inside the black community in the period of Post-Civil Rights Movement .

  28. 在古代,简单的世界,简单的人,有简单的方式表达着简单的爱。

    In ancient times , there is a simple world , a simple people , express their simple love in simple ways .