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  1. 然而,正如非正统思想家和作家简雅各布斯(JaneJacobs)过去一直主张的,宏观经济分析的天然单位绝不是整个国家,而是一座城市及其周边地区。

    But , as the unorthodox thinker and writer Jane Jacobs used to argue , the natural unit of macroeconomic analysis is not a nation state at all . It is a city and its surrounding region .

  2. 艺术特色方面,具有学问化倾向,语言追求简雅的美学风格,采用了一篇文章中同类故事聚集的方法。

    As for the features in art , his classical Chinese novel has the inclination of knowledge-driven perspective , in pursuit of aesthetic style of conciseness and elegance , a method of the same story congregated in one article was employed .