
jiǎn cè
  • bamboo tablets for writing
简策 [jiǎn cè]
  • [book] 古代连接成册的竹简。泛指书籍

  1. 中国古代书籍的装帧形式主要有简策、卷轴装、经折装、梵夹装、蝴蝶装、包背装、线装等。

    Binding styles of Chinese ancient books mainly include bamboo or wooden slips , scroll , concertina binding , chinese path binding , butterfly binding , back-wrapped binding , thread binding and others .

  2. 简策制度是我国最古老的书籍制度。

    The system of jian ce is the most ancient one on books of our country .

  3. 后世书籍中许多习惯用语、名词概念、书写方法、装帧形式等,都是沿袭简策制度的。

    Many fixed phrases , the concept of words , writing methods and packing form etc. in the books later follow the system of jian ce period .

  4. 简策同帛书、写本抄本刻版同活字印刷图书,相互共存是一个很长的时间。

    Bamboo slips strung together , books copied on silk , hand-written copies , hand-copied books , block-printed editions and movable-type printing books existed for a long time .