
  1. 但是,人们历来只看到福斯塔夫的喜剧性格本身,而对其性格的喜剧机制不甚关注。

    But mang people only focus on Fustaph 's comic personality all the time , and do not attend to developing the constitution of his personality .

  2. 在此基础上,作家注意运用心理分析的方法,以完全自居和不完全自居两种方式去塑造人物性格,从而使其笔下的喜剧性格具有了一系列的新特色。

    The character is created in the way of psychoanalysis . This is the very reason why the comic character by him puts on some new features .

  3. 鲁迅小说讽刺艺术的具体特征表现为含泪的微笑、悲喜剧性格的矛盾统一、讽刺的真实性和诸如对比法、滑稽法、夸张法等独特的表现手法。

    The feature of satiric art used in Lu Xun 's fiction are smile with tears , contradicting unification of tragic character and comic character , the reality of satire and such writing skills as comparison , humour , exaggeration , and so on .

  4. 近年来,人们对他们的研究主要有两类观点:一类认为两者精神内质相同,除了行为表现、意识结构和悲喜剧性格相似,这一切产生的主客观原因也相近;

    In recent years , there are two viewpoints about the comparison researches : one thinks that they are nearly the same not only in behaviors , consciousnesses and their comedy and tragedy characters , but also in the causes about all the factors mentioned above ;

  5. 西班牙著名作家塞万提斯笔下的唐吉诃德历来被认为是一个滑稽可笑的喜剧人物,他的性格既具有喜剧性又具有悲剧性因素。

    Doh Qvixote is a funny comic character created by famous Spaniard author Miguel de Cervantes Seavedra ( 1547-1616 ) . His character shares both comedy and tragedy .