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xǐ lián
  • Xilian;antithetical couplet hung on walls at wedding;couplet used on wedding
喜联 [xǐ lián]
  • [couplet used on wedding] 在办喜事时挂的对联

喜联[xǐ lián]
  1. 用书法写下的喜联或喜诗对欢庆的氛围是极好的。

    Auspicious phrase or poems written in calligraphy style are wonderful additions to add a touch of festivity .

  2. 对联的种类分为春联、喜联、寿联、挽联、装饰联、行业联、交际联和杂联(包括谐趣联)等等。

    Generally speaking , duilian can be classified into Spring Festival ( Chinese New Year ) couplets , wedding couplets , longevity couplets , elegiac couplets , decorative couplets , trade couplets , social couplets , and miscellaneous couplets including facetious or humorous couplets .