
  1. 比尔·奈伊饰演的喜剧感十足、过分溺爱的父亲也极为抢戏。

    And Bill Nighy gloriously steals every scene as Emma 's comically overprotective father .

  2. 尼科尔斯为人冷淡而彬彬有礼,却有一种同演员沟通的天赋,以及强烈的喜剧节奏感。这是他事业生涯早期在颇受欢迎的喜剧小品二人组“尼科尔斯与梅”(NicholsandMay)中磨练出来的。

    Dryly urbane , Nichols had a gift for communicating with actors and a keen comic timing , which he honed early in his career as half of the popular sketch-comedy team Nichols and May .

  3. 此外,它也能为那些对中国喜剧小品感兴趣的外国朋友们搭建一座了解中国文化的桥梁。

    Besides , it can build a cultural bridge for the foreigners who are interested in Chinese comic sketches to know clearly about our culture .

  4. 从悲剧、悲剧感,喜剧和喜剧感及其审美价值等方面均可印证这一说法。

    This conclusion can be verified from the aspects of tragedy , sense of tragedy , comedy and sense of comedy and their aesthetic value .

  5. 喜剧是以可感的现象对本质实体的自否定为冲突式,从而造成笑的喜剧效果。

    Comedy makes people laugh by enforcing conflict between sensible phenomenon and essence .