
  • 网络comedian;comic star
  1. 该跑步机以美国当红喜剧明星StephenColbert的名字命名。他的粉丝在网络竞选中获得了冠名权。

    That was named after Comedian Stephen Colbert who won it in online contest .

  2. 正如喜剧明星吉米卡儿(jimmycarr)发现(给他的名誉造成了损害)的那样,激进的避税现在等同于窃取福利(welfarescrounging)。

    As the celebrity comedian Jimmy Carr discovered to his reputational cost , aggressive tax avoidance is now on a par with welfare scrounging .

  3. 墨菲现在已经是好莱坞的一线男喜剧明星了。

    By now Murphy is Hollywood 's top male comedy star

  4. 容热爱的喜剧明星里也有她的拥趸,伍迪·艾伦(WoodyAllen)喜欢《怕死》,并且出人意料地为它做了腰封推荐。

    Ms. Jong also found a fan in one of her comic heroes , Woody Allen , who loved " Fear of Dying " and unexpectedly gave it a blurb .

  5. 美国极受欢迎的喜剧明星比尔·考斯比现在正主持CBS黄金时间的一档改版的“奇妙童言”,但孩子们说的奇言妙语总是跨越时间的。

    US comedian Bill Cosby now runs the current CBS primetime version of the show " Kids Say The Darndest Things " but the wonderful things children say are still timeless .

  6. 去年8月,喜剧明星RajendraPrasad在孟买主持制作了全世界最大的印度米卷。

    Comedy film star Rajendra Prasad presided over the rolling of the world 's largest dosa last August in Mumbai .

  7. 去年8月,喜剧明星RajendraPrasad在孟买主持制作了全世界最大的印度米卷。在16名厨师的帮助下,他用40分钟完成了这个长9.9米的巨型卷。

    Comedy film star Rajendra Prasad presided over the rolling of the world 's largest dosa last August in Mumbai.With the help of 16 chefs , he prepared a 9.9 meter crepe in under 40 minutes 。

  8. 确实,最近市场的大跌已经让风险平价基金总体的吸引力有所下降,新闻聚合网站Buzzfeed最近将这类基金捧为投资策略界的史蒂夫•卡瑞尔(著名喜剧明星),我认为这话是恭维。

    Indeed , the recent market downturn has taken some of the allure off of risk parity funds in general , which buzzfeed recent touted as the the Steve Carell of investment strategies , which I think was a compliment .

  9. 演员、喜剧明星艾瑞克·爱都,2013年惠特曼学院毕业演讲

    ERIC IDLE , Actor and Comedian , Whitman College , 2013

  10. 他是个耀眼的喜剧明星,在哪儿都能使观众狂笑。

    Infml he 's a brilliant comedian and has audiences everywhere in hysterics .

  11. 那些无声电影中的喜剧明星们仍能把观众逗得捧腹大笑。

    The comedians of the silent movies can still have an audience rolling about .

  12. 这是一部由喜剧明星丹尼尔•托什主持的系列节目,它对等科技文化话题进行品评,每周还推出一个人气视频单元。

    0 , a series hosted by comedian Daniel tosh that melds viral web videos with popular culture commentary .

  13. 聚集在好莱坞的各位歌手,由喜剧明星乔治洛佩兹宣布了提名为最佳流行女歌手的名单。

    Among the artists who gathered in Hollywood for the announcement was comedian George Lopez , who named the nominees for Female Pop Vocal Performance .

  14. 多年来公司加强了品牌战略攻势,请喜剧明星陈国庆为“鑫栗王”品牌代言人。

    Over the years the company strengthened the brand strategy and campaign , please comedian Chen Guoqing as " Xin Li Wang " brand spokesperson .

  15. 正值海滨达格利什高尔夫比赛日,我们与罗伊-埃文斯,罗尼-蕙兰和喜剧明星约翰-比夏普就利物浦易手一事进行了采访。

    We caught up with Roy Evans , Ronnie Whelan and comedian John Bishop at the Marina Dalglish Appeal golf day to get their thoughts on the proposed sale of Liverpool Football Club .

  16. 马男波杰克讲述的是一位90年代失败的情景喜剧明星——碰巧也是一匹马——在试图东山再起时,与自我厌恶、酗酒和失败的恋爱关系之中作斗争。

    Bojack Horseman follows a failed ' 90s sitcom star - who also happens to be a horse - battling self-loathing , alcoholism and failed relationships as he attempts to make a major comeback .

  17. 鼓舞人心之事往往来自你无法预知的地方,事实上,一个犹太裔喜剧明星积极地影响我的世界观,比我那极端的亲生父亲多得多。

    Inspiration can often come from an unexpected place , and the fact that a Jewish comedian had done more to positively influence my worldview than my own extremist father is not lost on me .

  18. “发现”号航天飞机将向国际空间站运送补给物质,包括一辆新的太空跑步机,以喜剧明星斯蒂芬·柯尔伯特的名字命名,他的粉丝在网上投票中赢得了冠名权。

    The shuttle is carrying among other things a new space treadmill for the international space station . It has been named Colbert Comedy Central 's Stephen Colbert . His fans won the naming rights in an online poll .

  19. 这种方式让这个印第安人处处受歧视的国家大为震惊,在这个国家,就连人气最旺的两位白人电视喜剧明星也借助于打扮成穿着艳丽裙子、傻乎乎的印第安妇女嬉闹取宠。

    Such rhetoric came as a shock in a country where Indians face discrimination in almost every walk of life and where two of the top television comedy acts are white men frolicking around as silly Indian women in colorful skirts .

  20. 由拉尔菲尔·鲍勃-瓦克斯伯格创作的《马男波杰克》主要是由阿奈特配音的,波杰克是《马男波杰克》中90年代失败的传奇情景喜剧明星,他一直试图在自我厌恶和失败的人际关系的混乱中寻找出路。

    Created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg , Bojack Horseman features Arnett as the voice of BoJack , the failed legendary '90s sitcom star from " Horsin ' Around , " who has been trying to find his way through a muddle of self-loathing and failed relationships .

  21. 正和美国联合服务组织一起在阿富汗喀布尔劳军的罗宾·威廉姆斯收到了最受欢迎喜剧男明星奖。

    Robin Williams accepted his award for favorite funny male while on tour with the United Service Organizations in Kabul , Afghanistan .

  22. ABC在现场,还有一些来自他们新的大型喜剧Black-ish的明星。

    ABC is here with some of the stars from their big new comedy " Black-ish . "

  23. 但乔治克鲁尼坚持认为这部喜剧真正的明星是导演兼编剧之一亚历山大·佩恩。在导演了《杯酒人生》并获得奥斯卡提名后的七年,他重返大荧幕。

    But the actor argues that the dramedy 's true star is director / co-writer Alexander Payne , who returns to the big screen seven years after his Oscar-nominated indie hit Sideways .

  24. 《华尔街日报》:对喜剧来说,大牌明星很重要吗?

    The Wall Street Journal : Are big-name stars essential for comedies ?