
ɡuī lù
  • Returning;way back;return route
归路 [guī lù]
  • [homeward journey] 归途;往回走的道路

  • 孩子们在大树林里越走越远,终于迷失了归路

  1. 我正待寻觅归路,忽见一个老人拉着一辆空的黄包车。

    Just as I was looking for the way back , an old man appeared , pulling an empty rickshaw .

  2. 难道是我的心在黑夜里徘徊,它被噩梦引入了迷阵,到这时才找到归路?

    Had my heart been wandering in the dark , drawn into a maze in a nightmare and found its way back only then ?

  3. 告诉我,是怎么从做一桩善举,走上不归路的?

    At what point does a noble deed turn into fanaticism ?

  4. 你会把他带上不归路的

    You are leading him on a path to self destruction .

  5. 裘德也转身上了他那踽踽独行的归路。

    Jude turned away to pursue his solitary journey home .

  6. 我们差一点走上了不归路。

    We almost crossed the bridge without turning back .

  7. 如果不是,那我们也许就把自己推向了失败的不归路。

    If it isnt then we might be setting ourselves up for failure .

  8. 这是一条不归路。

    There really is no going back , michael .

  9. 因欠债十万元,走上自杀和谋杀不归路。

    Debts of $ 100 , 000 had driven them to the murder-suicide .

  10. 林肯带你走上了一条不归路。

    Lincoln has led you down a dark path .

  11. 爱情无疑使他们的创作充满了灵性,但爱情也使他们走上了不归路。

    Love fills their writing with intelligence , but love leads them to death .

  12. 没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。

    Without love a person could go haywire and also become cruel and ferocious .

  13. 她在哪儿你让我们走上了不归路

    Where is she ? You set us both on a path of death .

  14. 复仇是条孤独的不归路一旦你开弓

    Revenge is a dark and lonely road . Once you go down it .

  15. 他把你和你的死亡骑士送上来不归路,达里昂。

    He 's sent you and your death knights to meet their doom , Darion .

  16. 我们已经踏上爱情这条不归路,不能回头了,宝贝。

    And we 're on our way , No we can 't turn back , babe .

  17. 的方式来表现,那天晚上推动了过去的我不归路。

    The way you behaved the other night has pushed me past a point of no return .

  18. 你踏上的是黑暗的不归路,会害死自己。

    You are heading down a dark path , and you 'll wind up getting yourself killed .

  19. 所有人都在宣称,失控的公共债务已经把日本财政推上了一条不归路。

    All have been proclaiming that out-of-control public debt had set Japan on the road to fiscal perdition .

  20. 班卓走上不归路的那天,我在穿上衣时,它摇摇晃晃地走到我跟前。

    The day Banjo died , he walked unsteadily over to me as I was pulling on my coat .

  21. 也正因如此,我们有时会在不知不觉中走上一条不归路。

    Then , sometimes before we know it , were already on a path where there 's no turning back .

  22. 阿尔及利亚政府有一个健全的反恐措施而且能够在他们的归路上进行监控。

    The Algerian government has a robust counter-terrorism program and will be able to keep an eye on their returnees .

  23. 利普认为,目前的消费趋势如果持续下去,将把世界带上一条“不归路”。

    Leape sees a continuation of current consumption trends as leading the world " to the point of no return " .

  24. 总而言之,《余震》一书认为一连串的泡沫已将国家推向崩溃的不归路。

    In a nutshell , Aftershock argues that a succession of bubbles have set the country on the path to ruin .

  25. 国产动漫之所以走上抄袭不归路,原因并不复杂,纯属利益驱动。

    The reason why domestic animation copied onto the road of no return , the reason is not complicated , purely profit-driven .

  26. 他已经走上了与奥威尔不同的道路,这是一条不归路。

    He had done something , in a way that Orwell had not , and had passed the point of no return .

  27. 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,即使说欧元区经济还未陷入衰退,那也已有迹象表明它也已经踏上了这条不归路。

    Worse , there are signs that the euro zone 's economy is heading for recession , if it is not there already .

  28. 我跟它对峙了一会,它失去耐心,试图从下面割断我,我将它送上了不归路。

    I tangled a bit with it , ended up besting him when he became impatient and tried to cut me from below .

  29. 问题是:这是否属于护肤术的巨大飞跃,抑或向非专业治疗术的不归路迈出的危险一步?

    The question is : is this a great leap forward for skincare , or a dangerous step down the slippery slope of amateur treatments ?

  30. 昨晚莫名其妙哭得如此伤心,真真切切感到自己走上了一条不归路。

    Last night , I began crying so sadly for no reason , really felt that I was in a street which had no end .