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ɡuī nínɡ
  • visit her parents
归宁 [guī níng]
  • [(of married women) go back to paternal home for a visit, (rarely of men) visit with one's parents] 回家省亲。多指已嫁女子回娘家看望父母

  • 归宁父母。——《诗·周南·葛覃》

  • 吾妻归宁,述诸小妹语曰:“闻姊家有阁子,且何谓阁子也?”——明· 归有光《项脊轩志》

  1. 吾妻归宁,述诸小妹语曰:“闻姊家有阁子,且何谓阁子也?”其后六年,吾妻死,室坏不修。

    When she returned from her visit to her parents she told me what her sisters had asked : " We hear there is a chamber in your home , but what is a chamber really ? " Six years later my wife died . The condition of the room worsened and I left it as it was .