
guī tián
  • resign from office and return home;(of officials) resign from office and return home;retnrn field
归田 [guī tián]
  • (1) [(of officials) resign from office and return home]∶指辞官归里,退隐

  • 赋诗末章曰:人亦有言,有因有缘。官中无人,不如归田。--《晋书.李密传》

  • 解甲归田

  • (2) [retnrn field]∶归还田地;旧指归还耕种的公田

  • 民年二十受田,六十归田。--《汉书.食货志上》

归田[guī tián]
  1. 做到水肥归田,就能使土地肥沃起来。

    Irrigating the land with good water is a way to make the land fertile .

  2. 为追求自由,他辞官归田,在田园生活中享受自由之趣。

    For the freedom , he resigned his officer , went back to the countryside , and enjoyed the freedom of rusticity .

  3. 但是,他的外交部长巴西莫达莱马已经说过失败意味着到时间“让每个人卸甲归田”了。

    But his foreign minister , Massimo D'Alema , had just said that defeat would mean it was time for " everyone to go home " .

  4. 随着时间的发展,老一代农民工卸甲归田,八十年代以后出生的新一代农民工登上历史舞台,他们被称作新生代农民工。

    As the time goes on , the old generation of migrant workers returned home , a new generation of migrant workers borned in the eighties went into the society , they are called the new generation of migrant workers .