
ɡuī kǒu
  • put under ;pick up one's old profession
归口 [guī kǒu]
  • (1) [reside with a line of occupation] : 归属某一个行业系统

  • 归口管理

  • (2) [return to one's former occupation] : 回到原来所从事的行业或专业

  • 我归口才一年多,专业荒废很久了

  1. 可惜很多大学生找工作不能归口。

    It is pity that many of the college and university graduates can 't find a job down their alley .

  2. 结论积极推行肺结核病归口管治和实施DOTS策略,结核病疫情明显下降,结核病耐药率呈下降趋势。

    Conclusion The rate of drug resistant of mycobacterium tuberculosis declines under the DOTS in Shenzhen .

  3. 政府承诺、综合医院积极配合、归口管理、健康教育、加强培训等是确保DOTS实施的有效措施。

    To facilitate DOTS implementation , Government commitment , general hospital cooperating with TB dispensary actively , convergence case-management , health promotion and training doctors were the important approaches .

  4. Burns强调了Gal-Gael信托机构的工作,这是一家立足该市、教授木工工艺的慈善机构,也是其他手工艺和社区活动的归口联络点。

    Burns highlights the work of the GalGael Trust , a charity based in the city that teaches woodworking and is a focal point for other crafts and community activity .

  5. SIS是上海市标准文献资料的归口单位,也是国内最大的省级标准化研究和服务机构。

    As the body in charge of all kinds of standards and other documents related , SIS is the biggest standardization research and service body in China at the province level .

  6. 海南省肺结核病归口管理的实践及成效

    Results of practicing mamagement of pulmonary tuberculosis by professional control bodies

  7. 归口管理对缩短新发涂阳肺结核诊断延迟的影响

    Effect of newly smear positive tuberculosis delayed diagnosis with convergence case-management

  8. 指定《国际卫生条例》国家归口单位:24小时的全球警戒。

    Designation of National IHR Focal Points : world on24-hour alert .

  9. 大连市实施肺结核归口管理的作法与成效

    The situation and effectiveness of pulmonary tuberculosis convergence case-management in Dalian

  10. 山东省实施结核病归口管理检查情况评价

    Evaluation of implementation of tuberculosis convergence case-management in Shandong province

  11. 江苏省结核病归口管理的实施及效果

    Implementation of Centralized Management of Tuberculosis Patients in Jiangsu Province

  12. 负责质量信息的收集、析、踪及归口管理工作。

    Responsible for collecting , analyzing and tracking all the quality information .

  13. 试论成本费用指标的归口分级管理责任制度

    Discuss for Classification Management Responsibility System of Cost Expense Index

  14. 河南省肺结核病归口管理工作现状调查

    A Survey About the Current Situation of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Convergence Case-management in Henan

  15. 郑州市肺结核病归口管理检查结果分析

    The analysis on situation of convergence case-management of suspicious TB cases of Zhengzhou

  16. 归口部门提出初审意见集中报送项目受理处核查。

    Initial suggestion submitted by relevant department examine by the project accepting section .

  17. 航空材料标准化技术归口工作的进展

    The Progress of Technical Management on Aeronautical Material standardization

  18. 肺结核病归口管理对病例发现率的影响

    Effect of Tuberculosis Centralized Management on TB Case-finding Rate

  19. 调整基层现金管理的体制&热议现金管理归口反洗钱部门管理

    Adjustment of Cash Management System in PBC 's Branches

  20. 结论归口管理是提高本市结核病防治工作成效的重要措施。

    Conclusion Centralized management is the key to the tuberculosis control in Anqing city .

  21. 加强归口管理,提高企业的竞争力

    Strengthen the centralized management by specialized departments to reinforce the competitive power of enterprises

  22. 行政干预对结核病归口管理的影响

    Influence of administrative intervention on tuberculosis convergence case-management

  23. 结果归口管理工作开展不平衡,部分医院存在漏报和转诊不到位情况。

    Result : The situation of convergence case & management of TB is imbalance .

  24. 目的评价行政干预对结核病归口管理的作用及效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of administrative intervention on tuberculosis convergence case management .

  25. 长春市肺结核病人归口管理调查分析

    Analysis on situation of pulmonary tuberculosis cases belong to administration survey in Changchun city

  26. 计划预算部归口公司计划经营部管理。

    Planning the budget department returns a people the company plan management department management .

  27. 新闻发布归口管理部门可根据工作需要向社会发布新闻。

    This designated management organization can release news to the general public where necessary .

  28. 结核病归口管理模式的探讨

    Study on the centralized management model of tuberculosis

  29. 肺结核病人归口管理的实施性研究

    Operational research on implementation of the referral system of pulmonary tuberculosis in Hunan province

  30. 嘉兴市1994~2003年肺结核病归口管理诊治结果评价

    Assessment of results in standard management of tuberculosis during 1994 ~ 2003 in Jiaxing City