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guī yī
  • 同 "皈依";grace;depend on
归依 [guī yī]
  • [grace] [对于神的] 归顺,皈依。原指佛教的入教仪式,后来泛指参加宗教组织

  • 抖擞辞贫里,归依宿化城。--唐. 王维《游感化寺》

  • [depend on] 依附

  • 无所归依的流浪者

归依[guī yī]
  1. 也许这会是我一生的归依,我不后悔,也不会放弃!

    I don 't regret , nor would I give up .

  2. 这个内在层次才是归依的真正实现处。

    The internal level is where true refuge is found .

  3. 她的圣堂(那是一切事物归依之处)。

    Before her shrine ②, to whom all things belong .

  4. 在小说表层的反基督教叙事结构下,隐藏着深层的对基督教伦理价值观的归依。

    The conversion to the Christian virtues conceals deep in the structures of anti-Christianity .

  5. 为佛门信徒顶礼景仰。他已经归依佛门,不再问世事了。

    He has already converted to Buddhism and cares no more about the human world .

  6. 我别无归依,法是我的至上归依。

    The Dhamma is my foremost refuge .

  7. 祥子的悲剧体现在命运悲剧、性格悲剧、归依体验三个方面。

    Xiangzi 's tragedy gives expression to such three aspects as fate tragedy , character tragedy and religion experience .

  8. 遗民必将归回,雅各伯的遗民必将归依强有力的天主!

    The remnant shall be converted , the remnant , I say , of Jacob , to the mighty God .

  9. 3聚落极域的主导功能和成立根据与当时整个社会的政治制度和价值归依有关。

    The leading function and establishment of the Polar-Area correlate with political system and value orientation of the whole society .

  10. 归依宗教的情怀与他吃斋念佛的祖母的影响、研读佛家典籍、通过文艺这一中介对佛教义理的吸收以及曾进过教会学校有关。

    It influences him to belong to the religion of depending on his grandmother and he study Buddhist 's ancient books carefully .

  11. 在宗教的困惑中寻求生命的归依之路&《小伙子布朗》的创作主题解读

    Seeking for the Truth of Life and Finding a Way out of the Religious Confusion : A Thematic Interpretation of Young Goodman Brown

  12. 我告诉同学们,也劝勉过神父、修女要归依佛教,认真好好的学佛。为什么呢?

    I told my students , who were mainly priests and nuns , to take refuge in the Buddha and to learn Buddhism well .

  13. 以诚信为归依、以尚质、抒意为特征的修辞观与《墨经》语言运用中的修辞实践是一致的。

    The rhetoric practice of language use in Mo Jing shares the same view of returning to sincerity , esteeming the essence and expressing feeling .

  14. 如果说理想的和平,是我们的共同归依;那么,现实的和平,则应是我们的共同实践。

    If peace , the ideal , is to be our common destiny , then peace , the experience , must be our common practice .

  15. 坚持以艺术性为归依,尊重戏剧的自身规律,力图保留旧剧菁华,释回增美。

    Upholding the important position of art , it respected the inherent laws of drama and did its utmost to preserve the essence of the old drama .

  16. 请问候我的同族和我的同囚者安得洛尼科和犹尼雅,他们在使徒中是有声望的人,并且在我以先归依了基督。

    Salute Andronicus and Junias , my kinsmen and fellow prisoners : who are of note among the apostles , who also were in Christ before me .

  17. 归依佛陀显而易见,佛陀是当今世界上唯一受到世人崇敬归依最多的人。

    Homage to Buddha Lord Buddha could be very easily singled out as the one person known to man who received homage from the greatest number of mankind .

  18. 她们在对传统的抗拒和归依中来探讨现代家庭建构,虽然达不到建设性,却与家庭批判形成互补,同样具有现代意义。

    Although their discussion on the modern family is not so constructive , they are a good supplementary to family criticism , so they also have significant modern sense .

  19. 其中,“超视性”的文化仰角的设立为其文化守望情绪的释放、归依提供了一个最佳的契机,从深层传达出经济时代知识群体的文化重铸渴望。

    Making up for culture angle out of sight offers the best chance to him and apper conscious to make up culture again by intellectual class in area of economic .

  20. 我们只是给你们传扬福音,为叫你们离开这些虚无之物,归依生活的天主,是他创造了天地海洋和其中的一切。

    We are bringing you good news , telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God , who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them .

  21. 从辩证的角度看,程序正义是实体正义的基础和前提,实体正义是程序正义的归依和检验标准,二者相互依存、相互促进。

    The procedural justice is the basis and premise for substantive justice , the substantive justice is the procedural justice concurring and inspection standard , both sides are mutual interdependence , mutual promotion .

  22. 法律责任存在的伦理上的先决条件为个人自由,它以个人存在意志自由为前提,以保障个人自由发展为归依。

    The precondition of the ethics basis for the existence of legal liability is individual freedom , whose premise is individual will and whose purpose is to protect the development of individual freedom .

  23. 对于在两性基础上建立起来的家,它包含了女性的爱情理想和现实中的婚姻家庭,在她们的文学中则表现为女性对婚姻之家的自觉维护和归依。

    Home bases on marriage or ideal love , which means they are self-conscious of maintaining a complete family with great loyalty even though they have to give up their ideal love for it .

  24. 基于此,本文试图从机理上对技术能力激活做探讨,为我国企业寻求技术能力激活的决策找到理论归依。

    Therefore this paper managed to probe into the activation of the technological ability from the mechanism and discover the theoretic gist for the enterprises to make decisions on the activation of technological ability .

  25. 这是因为学是先发的、本原的、自然的,是教育本体的因素,更是最活跃的、多变的目标性因素,是教的目的和归依;

    Since learning is initiative , original , natural and is the factor of education itself , furthermore , it is the most active and changeable target factor , which is the aim of education .

  26. 通过对日本艳情文学模式产生、发展和嬗变的分析,启示和警醒现代人面对生存的缺失,思考精神的归依和存在的意义。

    2 , Analyses through producing to Japan 's amorous literature mode , developing and transmutation , enlighten and alarm modern people think spirit returning in the face of disappearance of surviving and meaning of existing .

  27. 王润华是海外华文文学诗人中的重要一员,他的诗歌渗透着浓浓的人类情怀,此一情怀以与自然相融合的自由精神为出发点,并且以之为归依。

    Wong Yoon Wah , whose poetry is penetrated with bounteous humanity feelings taking the integration of spirit of freedom with nature as both its starting point and destination , is an important poet in Overseas Chinese literature .

  28. 文章从知识管理角度,着重研究知识网络的构筑对产业集群技术能力的推动作用,以期为我国集群寻求产业结构升级找到理论归依。

    From the perspective of knowledge management , the thesis emphases the knowledge network ( KN ) structure 's impetus to the TC of industrial cluster , and searches for the theory base for China 's industry structure update .

  29. 回答时代的问题,回答时代对社会主义提出的问题,并把对问题的科学回答转化为推动社会主义实践向深入发展的强大动力,这是马克思主义哲学的理论使命和其实践价值的归依。

    The theoretical mission and the root of its practical values are to answer questions of the times and the questions that are proposed to socialism , and answers to the above-said questions can be conversed to strong propulsion to advance further socialist development .

  30. 第一,在内在理念上,公益信托是在慈善法的基本理念的基础上建立起来的制度,以慈善法的理念、目标与基本原则为归依。

    First , in terms of the inner ideas , the system of charitable trusts is established on the basis of the basic ideas of charity law , which means it is subject to the ideas , objectives and basic principles of charity law .