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bù shī
  • Giving;donation;alms giving
布施 [bù shī]
  • [alms giving] 将金钱、实物布散施舍给别人

  • 依例布施

布施[bù shī]
  1. 布施听后也面露难色,这么小的号码我们早就不生产了,我看还是联系一下小泉子吧。

    After alms giving listens also the face shows appear to be reluctant , so small number we are early did not produce , I look or contact springlet child .

  2. 金德1999年撰写的《通往财务成熟的七个阶段》(TheSevenStagesofMoneyMaturity)一书将佛教中的“六度”(SixPerfections,其中包括忍辱和布施)应用到了现代财务管理等领域。

    Mr. Kinder 's 1999 book , ' The Seven Stages of Money Maturity , ' applies ancient Buddhist principles known as the Six Perfections , which include patience and generosity , to contemporary money management , among other things .

  3. 他补充道,成功发展interros十分重要,因为这将是他布施所需财富的来源。

    Successfully developing interros is important , he adds , because this will be the source of the wealth he will give away .

  4. 但是机缘巧合,那天我在琅勃拉邦(LuangPrabang)向僧人们进行清晨布施,那个仪式让我想斋戒,就像有时在家里,为了一些仪式,妈妈让我斋戒那样,所以那天我也碰巧禁食了。

    But as fate would have it , I had given morning alms to the monks in Luang Prabang , and the ritual made me want to fast , just as I sometimes did at home when my mother asked me to do so for religious reasons , so I had .

  5. 掌握机会布施,是有福之人。

    Grab the opportunity to give , is a blessed man .

  6. 我没有足够多的东西来给大家分享或布施。

    I do not have enough to share or give away .

  7. 听好了,这就是你要学的:想要什么你就布施什么。

    Listen and learn : Give what you want to receive .

  8. 他穷得要向行人乞求布施。

    He was so poor he had to beg money from passers-by .

  9. 你布施时的感觉才是最重要的。

    Again , how you feel as you give is the key .

  10. 布施如播种,播种善缘,才能收成。

    Generosity is like sown seeds : they yield a good harvest .

  11. 现在我知道了,布施金钱可以获得金钱。

    Today I know to give money to receive money .

  12. 布施。泰勒先生,一位美国人;

    Van Busche Taylor , an American , and Mrs.

  13. 谈话继续下去。我非常佩服凡。布施。泰勒先生的老练;

    The conversation proceeded , and I marvelled at the tact with which Mr.

  14. 读书增加知识,布施(务)化气质。

    Through reading you gather information , but through service you get transformation .

  15. 对弗雷哲-布施来说,就算是简单的事情也很困难。

    Even simple tasks used to be fraught with difficulty for Fraser Booth .

  16. 吃著他布施的这撮食物。

    And ate the morsel he had given me .

  17. “你这些靠垫真是太了不起了,”凡。布施。

    " What wonderful cushions you have ," said Mr.

  18. 默默的关怀与祝福别人,那是一种无形的布施。

    Quite care and bless is an invisible kindness .

  19. 他在一个要饭的面前,很少不布施一点钱。

    He seldom passed a beggar without offering alms .

  20. 布施(服务)拥有两份恩宠,他使施、受双方一同快乐。

    Service is twice blessed , making the giver and the receiver happy .

  21. 我对此非常怀疑,我总认为对布施的强调是种“阴谋”。

    I was very skeptical . I still thought giving was a scheme .

  22. 当有人布施金钱给你的时候,接受它。

    When someone offers you money , accept it .

  23. 一块钱也是钱,只是真正的价值在于布施的感受。

    Every dollar counts but what really counts is the good feeling of giving .

  24. 如果我布施了钱,就意味着我总是有钱;

    If I gave them money , it meant I would always have money .

  25. 布施若不是真正心存喜舍,则非但没有功德,反增烦恼。

    To give without joy , not only carries no merit but increases distress .

  26. 你也会获得布施的自由-以及“获得”的自由。

    You 'll also be free to give & as well as to receive .

  27. 当然,我布施的也总是小数目。

    Of course , although I was giving , it was always small amounts .

  28. 我以前确实不太相信“布施金钱就会获得金钱”这样的说法。

    I found it hard to believe I would receive money if I gave money .

  29. 但不要为了获得而布施。

    But don 't give to get .

  30. 将倾泄在布施者身上。

    Will pour down on the giver .