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lún lǐ ɡuān
  • ethics
  1. 整本书中我们都在探讨伦理观的问题。

    Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics .

  2. 她的伦理观不容许她背叛朋友。

    Her ethics would never allow her to betray a friend .

  3. 比如,伦敦的卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)近来展开了一次大规模的探讨,由教授、行政人员、学员和外部顾问组成的委员会思考如何在整个课程中传授伦理观。

    For example , Cass Business School in London recently undertook a large-scale review conducted by a committee comprised of professors , administrators , students and external advisers , to look at how ethics is taught across the curriculum .

  4. 利奥波德的土地伦理观及其生态环境学意义

    Leopold 's Land Ethic Ideas and Its Value in Ecological Environment

  5. 第四部分,理性增长的经济伦理观。经济增长是社会发展的重要内容,但只有以道德伦理来引导生产、交换、分配、消费,才能实现经济的理性增长。

    In the forth part , economic ethics of rational growth .

  6. 浅谈树立义利统一的企业伦理观

    How to Set up the Enterprise Morals of Responsibility and Benefit

  7. 论政府的制度伦理观是特殊的社会资本

    On Government 's System Ethic Concept is a Special Social Capital

  8. 生态伦理观在公共经济政策中的培育与运用

    The Cultivation and Application of Ecological Ethics in Public Economic Policy

  9. 墨子消费伦理观对休闲体育消费的启示

    Influence of Mozi ′ s Consumptive Ethics on Leisure Sport Consumption

  10. 中美家庭代际关系比较研究加强当代青年的家庭代际伦理观教育

    Strengthening Family Generation Ethics Education to the Contemporary Youth The Home

  11. 在伦理观上它是指人的道德意识和自由意志。

    It refers to moral consciousness and free will in ethics .

  12. 第二部分则着重论述了后现代伦理观的价值取向与主要思想。

    The second part concerns the thesis of the postmodern ethics .

  13. 环境伦理观与中国城市的可持续发展

    Outlook on Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development of Chinese City

  14. 人与自然之间的张力,由此产生生态伦理观;

    The tension between human beings and nature generates the ecological ethic .

  15. 最后,明确了科技伦理观的内涵。

    Finally , maks clear the connotation of science and technology ethics .

  16. 政府决策中环境伦理观缺失。

    3rd , the government decision in environment ethics imperfection .

  17. 自然的生命&佛教生态伦理观及其启示

    The Life of the Nature & Buddhism Ecology Ethics and Its Enlightenment

  18. 道德的最大自由&后现代伦理观述评

    The absolute freedom of morality & Commenting on post-modern view on ethic

  19. 韦伯的经济伦理观评析

    The Evaluation and Analysis of Max Weber 's Thought of Economy Ethic

  20. 基于生态伦理观的地区经济可持续发展研究

    Research on Sustainable Development of Regional Economy of Thought of Ecological Ethic

  21. 略论全球化时代儒家伦理观的意义

    On the Constructive Meaning of Confucian Ethics at the Age of Globalization

  22. 内部空间的分配反映出中国的社会观和伦理观。

    The distribution of interior space reflects Chinese social and ethical values .

  23. 后现代伦理观及其对我国当代道德教育的启示

    Postmodern Ethics and Its Inspiration for Our Contemporary Moral Education

  24. 伦理观:对交往准则的看法。

    Ethical values : opinions on the principles of communication .

  25. 柏拉图《理想国》中医学伦理观与当代比照研究

    Medical Ethics in Plato 's Idea and in Contemporary Era

  26. 社会生物学伦理观,是一座联接伦理学与自然科学的桥梁。

    The ethic of sociobiology is bridge linking the natural sciences and ethics .

  27. 信息素养中技术伦理观的培养

    Cultivating the sense of technology ethics in information literacy

  28. 汉语棱镜中的华夏伦理观

    On the Chinese Ethic Reflected in the Chinese Language

  29. 可持续发展环境伦理观:一种新型的环境伦理理论

    The Environmental Ethics of Sustainable Development : A New Theory of Environmental Ethics

  30. 论福克纳的生态主义伦理观

    Faulkner 's View of Nature : An Eco-Ethical Study of The Forest Trilogy