
  • 网络lund;rende
  1. 直到周五下午5点半,我仍未收到伦德的消息。

    By Friday at 5:30 p.m. , I still hadn 't heard from Lund

  2. 该公司三分之二股权由挪威政府持有,但伦德坚持称该公司不是政治实体。

    The group is two-thirds owned by the Norwegian state but Mr Lund insisted it was a non-political entity .

  3. 20世纪70年代,伦德格伦的作品多得惊人。

    During the Seventies , Rundgren was astonishingly prolific .

  4. 研究团队还包括来自丹麦伦德贝克基金会(LundbeckFoundation,研究的资助方)和耶鲁大学(Yale)儿童研究中心(ChildStudyCenter)的研究人员。

    They included researchers from the Lundbeck Foundation in Denmark , which funded the research , and the Child Study Center at Yale .

  5. 自接管佳奇mba项目以来,伦德已经重审了该课程的内容,计划开展更多的一对一指导,并停止了全面的心理分析法或精神疗法。

    Since taking over as head of the judge MBA , Mr Runde has reviewed the course and plans more one-to-one coaching , stopping far short of the full-blown psychoanalytic or psychotherapeutic approach .

  6. 约翰逊有些幸灾乐祸地暗示,伦德格伦听到J.C.Penney与玛莎的交易后估计要头痛了,而且很快会变成重度偏头痛。

    Johnson suggested , with some glee , that Lundgren would probably have a headache , when he heard about the JCP deal , one that would soon develop into a full on migraine .

  7. 今年31岁的葛蓝伦德算是一个例外。

    Granlund , 31 , is one of the exceptions .

  8. 来自马萨诸塞综合医院和瑞典伦德大学的研究小组研究了这些生物标志物作为预测的效果。

    A team from Massachusetts General Hospital and Sweden 's Lund University studied how effective the biomarkers are as predictors .

  9. 伦德拒绝就诺贝尔奖争议置评,但他强调,挪威国家石油公司正“继续在中国与中国的公司合作”。

    Mr Lund declined to comment on the Nobel dispute but insisted Statoil was " continuing to work with Chinese companies in China " .

  10. 伦德布艾得,一个25岁的自称是“超极呆酷,”他说,他将会去看5月1日午夜的电影首映。

    Lundblad , a25-year-old who describes himself as " a total nerd ," said he will see the movie at its midnight premiere May1 .

  11. 作曲兼演唱家托德?伦德格伦对这个观点表示赞同。在罗得岛的沃伦,当地报纸发表了同样的论点。

    Todd Rundgren , the composer and singer , agrees . In Warren , Rhode Island , the local paper made a similar point .

  12. 伦德之所以有此想法是因为受到了比约恩·盖尔·哈桑的启发,哈桑是挪威测绘局的一名退休员工,他曾在1972年从事边界测量时提出这个想法。

    Lund was inspired by Bjorn Geirr Harsson , a retired employee of the Norwegian Mapping Authority who suggested the idea while taking border measurements in 1972 .

  13. 被问到与中国的商业往来是否受到政治干预时,伦德表示,挪威国家石油公司竭力确保其与中国合作伙伴的关系属于“商业关系”。

    Asked whether politics was interfering in business with China , Mr Lund said Statoil tried to keep its relations as " business-like " as possible with its Chinese partners .

  14. 负责飞机电子系统的哈尼维尔国际,正在进行最后的测试。波音希望航班管理系统能在下周进入安装阶段。伦德表示。

    Honeywell International , which designed and built the computer , is doing its last testing now , and Boeing expects the flight management computer to reach final configuration next week , Lund said .

  15. 顾伦德.查达哈的这部殖民题材电影讲的是1947年的英印权力移交及其余波。当时蒙巴顿勋爵夫妇的府邸有500名仆人,他们中有印度教徒、穆斯林和锡克教徒。

    Gurinder Chadha goes colonial with a tale of the 1947 handover and its fallout , when Lord and Lady Mountbatten lived in a mansion also containing 500 Hindu , Muslim and Sikh servants .

  16. “艾伦天资聪颖,是个非常机敏的人,”霍格伦德坦言。“他声誉颇佳,至少当时是如此。”

    " Aaron has a very high IQ . He 's a very smart individual ," says Hoglund . " He also has an incredibly good reputation , or he did at the time . "

  17. 同样,如果你确信智能行驶控制系统能防止汽车追尾相撞的话,“你也许就会打开计算机或干点别的什么事了。”伦德又说。

    Similarly , if you 're convinced that an intelligent cruise control system will keep you from hitting the car ahead ," you might be inclined to turn on your computer and do something else ," says Lund .