
  • 网络London Marathon
  1. 每年都有成千上万名参赛者在伦敦马拉松赛上挥汗如雨。

    Thousands of people sweat it out at the London Marathon every year .

  2. 更加迫在眉睫的问题是伦敦马拉松赛(LondonMarathon)的安保问题。伦敦马拉松赛将于本周日举行。

    More urgent is the question of security at the London Marathon , which takes place this coming Sunday .

  3. 同样,2005年伦敦马拉松赛上,女子马拉松世界纪录保持者拉德克利夫(PaulaRadcliffe)在距终点6.4公里的地方路边小便,一时成为媒体头条。

    Likewise , Paula Radcliffe , the world 's female marathon record holder , made headlines when she squatted on the side of the London Marathon course in 2005 to defecate four miles from the finish line .

  4. 我喜欢参加伦敦马拉松赛。

    I 'd love to run in the London marathon .

  5. 塞巴斯蒂安科将复出能加伦敦马拉松赛。

    Sebastian Coe will come out of retirement to run the London marathon .

  6. 有关官员说,他们已为应对葬礼以及星期天伦敦马拉松赛的安全做好充分准备。

    Officials say they are well-prepared to deal with the security for the funeral , as well as the London Marathon on Sunday .

  7. 《美国肾病杂志》刊登了这项研究成果。与此同时,上千人正摩拳擦掌,为下个月的伦敦马拉松赛做准备。

    The findings were published by the American Journal of Kidney Diseases , as thousands of people prepare for next month 's London Marathon .

  8. 2009年5月9日,一名士兵不顾医生的劝告终于越过了伦敦马拉松赛的终点线,那时距他开始26.2英里的比赛已经有13天了。

    A soldier who defied doctors to complete the London marathon crossed the finish line on May 9 , 2009 , 13 days after he started the 26.2-mile course .

  9. 我希望明年能参加伦敦的马拉松赛。

    I 'm hoping to be in the London marathon next year .