
  1. 面对佐野研二郎多次否认剽窃,比利时设计师奥利维尔德比(OlivierDebie)起诉国际奥委会(InternationalOlympicCommittee),要求其不要使用该标识。

    In the face of Mr Sano 's repeated denials of plagiarism , Olivier Debie , the Belgian designer , filed a lawsuit against the International Olympic Committee demanding the emblem not be used .

  2. 自7月24日公布2020年夏季奥运会和残奥会会徽以来,设计者佐野研二郎(KenjiroSano)一直面临指控,称其抄袭了比利时列日市一剧场的设计。

    Since the twin emblems for the Olympics and Paralympics were revealed on July 24 , their creator , Kenjiro Sano , has been besieged with allegations that he copied the design from a theatre in the Belgian city of Liege .