
  1. 比如,在纽约马拉松赛上,参赛者在从起点斯塔滕岛(StatenIsland)经过韦拉札诺海峡大桥(Verrazano-NarrowsBridge)跑向布鲁克林时总喜欢在路边小便。

    For example , runners crossing the Verazzano-Narrows Bridge from Staten Island to Brooklyn , where the New York City Marathon begins , like to urinate off the side .

  2. 在长跑界,43岁的洛鲁佩曾在1994年和1995年两次获得纽约马拉松赛(NewYorkCityMarathon)冠军,是第一位赢得一项重要马拉松赛事冠军的非洲黑人女性,也曾是26.2英里马拉松世界纪录的保持者。

    In the running world , Loroupe , 43 , is celebrated as the winner of the New York City Marathon in 1994 and 1995 , the first black African woman to win a major marathon , a former world-record holder at the distance of 26.2 miles .

  3. 麦克科根目前在接受训练,准备参加纽约马拉松赛。

    Mccolgan is currently in training for the New York marathon .

  4. 你想参加纽约马拉松赛吗?

    Are you going in for the New York marathon ?

  5. 一年一度的纽约马拉松赛于上周日举行,“阿汤嫂”凯蒂•赫尔姆斯也出现在数万人的参赛队伍中,她以5小时29分48秒跑完了比赛全程。

    Holmes was among the tens of thousands of runners participating in the annual New York City Marathon on Sunday , finishing the race in5 hours , 29 minutes and58 seconds .

  6. “阿汤嫂”跑马拉松阿汤哥携女助威一年一度的纽约马拉松赛于上周日举行,“阿汤嫂”凯蒂•赫尔姆斯也出现在数万人的参赛队伍中,她以5小时29分48秒跑完了比赛全程。

    Holmes was among the tens of thousands of runners participating in the annual New York City Marathon on Sunday , finishing the race in 5 hours , 29 minutes and 58 seconds .

  7. 安保公司高管里斯说,他认为11月纽约马拉松赛的安保工作对象将是聚集在中央公园终点线附近的庞大人群。

    Looking ahead , Mr. Reese , the security executive , said he believed security would be imposed on the large crowds that gather near the Central Park finish line of the ING New York City Marathon in November .

  8. 我决定去跑纽约市马拉松赛

    I 've decided to run the New York City marathon

  9. 今天,纽约市马拉松赛重启,去年比赛因超级飓风“桑迪”而被迫取消。

    The New York City Marathon was back in action today after super storm Sandy forced it to be canceled last year .