
  • 网络Chinatown;New York Chinatown
  1. 在纽约唐人街,时髦的咖啡馆和精品服装店正在取代面吧(noodlebar)。人口普查数据显示,过去十年,纽约唐人街的亚裔人口减少了15%,尽管整个纽约的亚裔人口增加了30%。

    In New York 's Chinatown , where trendy coffee shops and boutique clothing stores are replacing noodle bars , the Asian population dropped 15 per cent over the past decade , according to census data , even as the wider New York Asian population grew by 30 per cent .

  2. 来到纽约唐人街詹姆斯·龚医生的办公室。

    to the office of Dr. James Gong in New York 's Chinatown .

  3. 她加入了其他中国音乐家的行列,开始在纽约唐人街演出,在一家干洗店地下室里排练。

    She joined other Chinese musicians and began performing in new york 's chinatown , rehearsing in the basement of a dry-cleaner .

  4. 在2011年,纽约唐人街的一名店主因出售用硬纸板做的名牌包和乐福鞋仿品而被捕,并被控侵犯版权。

    In 2011 in New York , one Chinatown shopkeeper was arrested for selling cardboard replicas of designer handbags and loafers , and charged with copyright infringement .

  5. 电影制作者缓慢地在她自己身体的皮肤上画书法的图像,与纽约唐人街的局部细节相交织。

    Records of the HistorianCalligraphic images of paint on skin , which the filmmaker traces on her own body , are intercut with details of New Yorks Chinatown .

  6. 纽约的唐人街是美国第二大的唐人街。

    New York Chinatown is the second largest one in the United States .

  7. 这是在纽约的唐人街。

    There 's Chinatown in New York !

  8. 张女士并没有亲自去福建省探个究竟,她甚至连纽约的唐人街也没有去过。

    Ms Chang does not travel there-or not obviously even to New York 's Chinatown-to find out .

  9. 我没有去纽约的唐人街吃中国菜,因为我知道自己几天后就会再次回到北京,那儿的中国菜才是真正地道的。

    I was not up to eating Chinese food in New York 's Chinatown , knowing that I would be returning soon to the " real thing " in Beijing a few days later .

  10. 直到今天,有相当多的唐人街,尤其是旧金山和纽约的唐人街已成为繁忙兴旺的地区,这些地区对喜欢中国食物的人和游客来说有着巨大的吸引力。

    To this day , certain Chinatowns , especially those of San Francisco and New York , are busy , thriving communities , which have become great attractions for tourists and for those who enjoy Chinese food .

  11. 有一次暑假,我来到了纽约,在唐人街的一家时装店实习。

    One summer break , I came here to New York for an internship at a fashion house in Chinatown .

  12. 在纽约有一条唐人街。

    There is a Chinatown in New York .

  13. 在纽约有一个唐人街。

    There 's a Chinatown in new york .

  14. 旧金山、纽约和伦敦的唐人街已成为中国文化得以传播的窗口。

    China Towns in San Francisco , New York , and London have provided gateways from which Chinese culture has been able to spread .

  15. 所以,对于犹太人来说,纽约下东区和唐人街里的(美式中国菜)炒杂烩菜和饺子店给他们一种宗教和谐之感的幻觉,尽管不符合犹太教规的食物也会以猪肉和壳类海鲜的形式出现。

    And so , for Jews , the chop suey palaces anddumpling parlors of the Lower East Side and Chinatown gave the illusion ofreligious accordance , even if there was still treifgalore in the form of pork and shellfish .

  16. 去年3月一位纽约公交车司机在运送乘客从康涅狄格州到纽约的唐人街转向时遭遇车祸,造成15人死亡,这位司机将面临严重的指控,但NPR新闻的约翰·罗斯报道,今天一个陪审团裁定否认其过失。

    Last March a New york bus driver ferrying passengers from Connecticut to New York 's Chinatown swerved and crashed , 15 people were killed , he faces serious charges , but as NPR ' s John Rose reports , today a jury has returned a verdict denies favor .

  17. 去年3月,一名来自纽约的巴士司机在驾驶客车从康乃迪克州到纽约唐人街的路上由于转向过急发生车祸。

    Last March , a New York bus driver ferrying passengers from Connecticut to New York Chinatown swerved and crashed .